Brad and Mary Beth

Brad and Mary Beth in front of a water formation

Hi! We are Brad and Mary Beth. We do not know what your circumstances are, but the fact that you are taking responsibility for your child's future and considering adoption shows the depth of your love for your child. We admire you for that!

You are very brave and obviously want what is best for your child. We can promise you that we are ready to adopt and feel pretty excited about loving a child unconditionally, being supportive with whatever their dreams may be, and safeguarding him or her as she grows.  

We would love to get to know each other. We would like to know about your family and some of your traditions and hopes for your child.  It is important for us to understand why you decided on adoption so we can explain it to the child when the child starts to ask questions and to let the child know you love him/her very much. 

Brad and Mary Beth on a hiking trip

The Story of Us

We met through a dating website.  Our first date was at a local restaurant where we could talk, get to know each other, and enjoyed watching a football game. 

From Brad: What first attracted me to Mary Beth was how family oriented she is, how we had similar interests, could make me laugh and she is attractive! She is always putting others first, she's a great cook, she's intelligent, funny, loves to travel, she's great with children, loves sports, her smile and her laugh are beautiful, she's family oriented, and she's even handy around the house! 

From Mary Beth: I knew Brad was the one when I looked at him one day and asked myself "can you see yourself living without this man in your life?" and I just knew in my heart the answer was no!  Brad and I dated for 16 months before we were engaged, once we were engaged we were married within 13 month. Qualities that I admire about Brad is he is kind hearted, loving, always willing to assist with anything and  enjoys helping others. He is caring, calm-natured, loves making me laugh, family-oriented, enjoys sports and outdoor activities, loving/nurturing, religious, affectionate, I can be myself around him and he is very encouraging! 

Brad and Mary Beth's extended family

We LOVE Family

We really enjoy Sundays the most because we attend church with my parents then at night, we have Sunday dinner with my sibling and nephews who live in the area and get to catch up.

Family time is very important to us! I enjoy going to our nieces and nephews sporting events, taking a Saturday to go spend it playing cards with Grandma, and/or meeting up with the family to watch big sporting events on the TV together.  Holidays are special, making memories and enjoying our families! 

Brad and Mary Beth at a sports game with their nephew
Brad dancing with Grandma

We cannot imagine what you are going through right now and the emotions you must be facing. We want you to know we support you in whatever decision you make.

We would really like to get to know each other so you feel you are giving your child to a family who you know, and will love, protect and support him/her.  We would like to know about your family and some of your traditions and hopes for your child, because it is very important to us that our child knows all about you.  

We would like to know you and your hopes and dreams for your child.  It is important that our child knows you love him/her very much.

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