Brent and Lori

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us!
We know this is a confusing and difficult time for you while you are trying to figure out the best option for you and your precious baby. We hope that you will feel supported and loved no matter where you are at in your journey. We admire you for choosing life and considering adoption. Our heart's biggest desire is to make sure you know You are loved, valued and so important to us and God.
We know your child is a blessing from God. Your child is special, precious and valuable. What we don't know is the pain of releasing your child into another's arms, and we can't pretend to understand all the feelings you are experiencing. We pray the peace of Jesus would surround you, That he would protect you and wrap you in his arms over the next weeks, months and years ahead.
You are loved with all our love!

Meet Brent
What I love most about Brent:
He has a great sense of humor and can pretty much always make me laugh. He smiles pretty much all of the time. He is the most caring and kind person I have ever known. He loves me even when I mess up and takes care of me so well. He loves to play with Elyssa when he gets home from work in the evenings. He is the best Dad!
Brent's Hobbies
Flying radio-controlled airplanes, video games, fixing things, tinkering on engines and watching The Office

Meet Lori
What I love most about Lori:
She laughs at my silly jokes. She cares deeply about those around here and is always doing little things to brighten my day. She is a lover of Christmas! I love how she always wants to do things with me, spending time together is very important to her. She is a beloved Aunt to her Nieces and Nephews. It has been wonderful seeing her bond with our Daughter!
Lori's Hobbies:
Playing piano, baking, reading, running, Christmas movies and being a Mom
A Little More About Us
We are a Christian family that wants to honor the Lord in all we do. We grew up in the same community and church. We were married September 17, 2011 and have been living our best life since! We love to go on vacation, mini golfing, hiking and to the fair. We love to spend time with our families and live close to them! We attend a Mennonite church and have received much support along our adoption journey. Our daughter Elyssa was sent to us through adoption in December 2022 and we have an open relationship with her Birth Mom. She loves to look at books and to listen to stories and to be outside when it's warm. She has brought so much joy to our lives and we are excited to continue our adoption journey!