Calvin and Janell

Calvin and Janell, adoptive family in Ohio through Spirit of Faith Adoptions

We prayed before deciding to start this process and believe that God has created this path for us. He has been with us every step of the way guiding us through. God's plan for us on this journey has been wonderful and we would love to include you in our story. We recognize your sacrifice and bravery and pray for you.

Calvin and Janell, open adoption in Ohio through Spirit of Faith Adoptions

Meet my Wife, Janell:

I have no doubts that Janell loves me and our family. I know that our children are loved, safe, and always cared for. I love that she can handle my personality, she values family and keeps all of us lifted in prayer. Janell is amazing at keeping track of our household, schedule and finances and I love that she can be ready to travel at a moment's notice. I love Janell because she is creative and ambitious and that she can be herself and is adored by anyone she meets. I love her smile and laugh and that she makes me feel valued. - Calvin

I am reserved; I like to have a good time but also enjoy just sitting around the house watching my favorite shows. But my ultimate joy is snuggling up on the couch with my son watching cartoons and reading books. He is the joy of my life, and I am blessed to be chosen to be his mother. I am proactive, I like to be knowledgeable of things going on in the world and like to be prepared to adapt to the changes around me. I clean all the time because I just like everything to be organized and neat. I like to walk through the neighborhood or on the trail because it’s great exercise and a great stress reliever. My favorite day of the week is Saturday because it usually starts with dance rehearsal with the dance ministry at church and then I can spend the rest of the day with my son and husband. I love to help people, that is why I became a nurse.

I love Law and Order. I like all of them, but SVU is my favorite. I love movies, I will watch almost anything from a good thriller to ninja turtles. I love to travel. My favorite vacation spot in the US is Las Vegas, there is so much to do there, and I have a lot of family and friends that live there. Internationally I will have to say any country that has beautiful beaches, Jamaica and Aruba are top on my list so far. I am a foodie; I love going to new restaurants and trying new foods. I love to dance; I have been dancing my entire life. I've done jazz, tap, ballet, cheerleading, ballroom, salsa, and currently liturgical dance at church. I am also a certified group fitness instructor and taught a hip hop cardio class. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, as I stated I am a foodie so how can you go wrong with being around family and eating tons of good food. But we also love Halloween, prior to COVID we had a costume party every year with all our family and friends. It's so fun dressing up like we did as kids, people really get into it and come up with some amazing costumes.  -Janell

Calvin and Janell hoping to adopt a baby in Ohio through Spirit of Faith Adoptions

A Little About Calvin:

I love that Calvin is honest, he is hilarious, faithful, intelligent, likes to have fun, loves his family, he's a great cook, keeps his promises, supportive, and he loves me no matter what. He is a joy to be around, if you are around him for more than 2 mins you will find yourself laughing about something. He knows everyone and everyone knows him. Whenever we are out people are stopping to speak to him, and when I am out alone, I always hear hey Calvin's wife. He is always available to give great advice whether it be to me, his family, or his friends. He is wise beyond his years. He is an amazing father. He has a very close relationship with both of our children. Watching him and our son together daily, just laughing and playing together brings joy to anyone who is present. - Janell

I like to wake up early in the morning to stretch and pray to God to thank Him for another day. Then I spend time with my son who is up early every morning ready to be entertained. We play and watch TV before I get him ready for daycare. I enjoy bowling in a team setting for time to fellowship and socializing with my friends. I chose my career as a Property Manager because it makes me happy to provide quality low income and affordable housing to needy families and seniors on fixed incomes. I understand their circumstances because I was raised in and around them socially and financially. I make time to read alone so I can focus and absorb what I am reading. I like to learn new languages because I feel it is important to communicate to people with people with words they understand. It also serves a purpose when I travel. I am very outgoing and try everything from rock climbing to cliff jumping, shooting at the gun range, axe throwing, open mic performances and dance classes. I love variety and always try new foods at restaurants or recipes when at home.

My favorite TV show is Yellowstone. I like the way the show is written by Taylor Sheridan and the way his programs address big issues in a subtle way. My favorite movie character is Captain America. I like Marvels approach to changing his appearance from a white male to a black male to give children an image they can share and make the content more relatable to a broader audience. My favorite vacation spot is Guatemala. I enjoy the peace and quiet of the ranch life and how much time the people spend outside. The mountains are a beautiful backdrop and climate is perfect for me. My favorite color is gray. Most of my favorite sports teams feature the color and both of our vehicles are gray. My favorite food is seafood. I can eat it every day, all types, all flavors, any time! My favorite hobby is bowling. I like to travel and compete in different cities and states to challenge myself against different lane conditions. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I like gift giving to those less fortunate and the opportunity to put a smile on someone's face. It is a time that I usually spend with my family and get to recap our year and celebrate life. -Calvin


Calvin and Janell ready to adopt in Ohio through Spirit of Faith Adoptions

Calvin has a 20-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. She is a beautiful, intelligent young lady who will be headed to college this fall. We have a 1-year-old son that we adopted a year ago. He is one of the biggest blessings this family has received.

Our faith means everything to us. We would be nothing without God and everything we have is because of Him. Prayer gives us a time to reset our moods and focus ourselves on what God has placed in front us. Without his sacrifice, we would never be made whole or have an opportunity to grow our family. We are thankful every day and pray that God has His way with our lives.

We enjoy going to church every Sunday, we love to travel as much as possible, we like watching our favorite shows together i.e., any Marvel series, Young Rock, Billions. And now we enjoy watching our son’s favorite shows such as Paw Patrol, Bluey, and Bubble Guppies. We like to keep our son entertained because he is very busy and active. He likes being outside and loves playing with all of his toys. Holidays and special occasions are typically spent at our house unless we go out of town to visit family.

We both have multiple adopted relatives in our family. To us, they are just our cousins without any blurred lines or need for additional clarifications. We were taught at a young age to make sure that everyone feels loved and cared for no matter how they came to become a part of our family.

We feel that anyone considering adoption for their child is brave. It takes courage to go through this process and our heart and prayers are forever with you. Please know that your child will never go a day without knowing how much they are loved by God, us, and you. We are honored to be considered.

Calvin and Janell

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