Jared and Laura

Jared and Laura

We would love to get to know you and to build a relationship with you. Your story and your journey matter. We would love to learn more about who you and to share that with your child. We want to share your story and nurture a positive and open relationship around adoption. We are open to visits, pictures, and letters. We don’t just want to know your child, we want to know you too. We want to share your favorite things, traditions, and values. 

jared and laura

Laura and I first met at church. She worked at the church and we were both involved with the praise team and in small groups. Jared and I dated for a little over a year before we got engaged. I knew he was the one when one day after shopping together he jumped onto the back of the cart and used it like a scooter all the way to the car. What initially attracted me to Laura was I could tell how kind and caring she was by the way she spoke. I could tell she had a good heart. He is goofy and kind and makes everyday an adventure, even simple trips out shopping. I admire his patience, artistic ability, and the way he sees the best in everyone. We have a standing Friday afternoon lunch date where we get to spend some kid free time together. We have a nerdy dream of owning an A-frame home someday with land where we can see our favorite animal (buffalo) everyday. 

Meet Jared

Jared is an amazing artist and musician, selflessly loves others, is a really good dad and Wixom looks up to him, he makes great coffee (I never need to go to Starbucks again), works really hard, is a good friend, is a man of God, just gets me and can read my mind without me saying a thing, is calm and steady and he sees the best in people! ~ Laura

I enjoy creating art because I like time to just slow down. I like my career in graphic design because it allows me to use my creativity. Also, the company I work for is very flexible, which I appreciate because being able to be there for family whenever I need is very important to me. I like making coffee and espresso and learning about new things, there is a lot to learn about coffee! I like listening to audiobooks that are either fiction, adventure or non-fiction that are read by the author. I enjoy hiking, biking or swimming. Some type of physical activity is a good stress relief for me!

TV show: The Office

Movie character: Bilbo Baggins

Vacation spot: Anywhere with family (Preferably warm weather)

Color: Grey

Animal: Buffalo

Hobby: Art

Holiday: Christmas

Meet Laura

Laura is very caring, creative, always thinking about what she can do to help others, a great gift giver, a hard worker, a beautiful singer, loves sharing God love as she teaches kids at church, is the best at planning fun family activities, has a strong faith and she loves me and Wixom so well! ~ Jared

I love denim shirts and jackets and wear one whenever I can. I love making people laugh and I can be pretty silly. I am always game for trying something new, even axe throwing. I like to read and sometimes look forward to reading books with Wix at night more than he does.
Indoor plants were my pandemic hobby that turned into a bit of an obsession. Birthdays are a big deal to me and I love finding ways to make the day special. I am a typical middle child and a total peacemaker. I really like working with kids and in many ways I am a big kid a heart.

TV show: Downton Abby, Gilmore Girls, Friends

Movie Character: Spiderman 

Vacation Spot: Any National Park, beach, or the mountains. I’m a nature lover. 

Color: Green and Blue

Food: Good BBQ, Chick-fil-a, and tacos

Animal: Bison

Hobby: Singing, indoor plants, reading, trying new recipes at home.

Holiday: Christmas

A Little More About Us

Our son Wixom is a sweet heart. He is kind and snuggly. Wixom has a wild goofy side and makes friends easily. He loves Spiderman, dragons, and dinosaurs. He loves biking, hockey, and going to our local pool. Wix is sensitive and strong and the source of so much joy in our lives. We love being his parents and seeing the man of God he is becoming.

Faith is the center of our lives. Our relationship with God shapes our decisions and friendships. Knowing Jesus has transformed the way we love and people we are. We both love serving God and raising children in the faith is important to us.

We would love to get to know you and to build a relationship with you. Your story and your journey matter. We would love to learn more about who you and to share that with your child. We want to share your story and nurture a positive and open relationship around adoption. We are open to visits, pictures, and letters. We don’t just want to know your child, we want to know you too. We want to share your favorite things, traditions, and values. 

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