Jonathan and Tara

We are Jonathan and Tara, and our family loves adoption! We admire you for making this selfless decision for your child, and have been praying for you and your baby for a long time. God has good things in store for you even though life is really hard right now. Thank you for considering adoption for your precious child, and for considering us as adoptive parents!
Our oldest son joined our family through adoption. We always speak highly of his birth mom and tell him that she loves him and is proud of him. While he deeply loves his two younger brothers, he has talked about how he would like to have a sibling that looks like him. We agree that this is important and would love to add another child of color to complete our family! Our boys are very excited about having another baby brother or sister and often prompt us to pray for him or her.
A Little About Tara......

I'm a stay-at-home mom and keep our household going. The boys and I read lots of books together on the couch, and a favorite game we play right now is Uno. Our oldest said, "Mom is the best at hide-and-seek!" I like for our family to be outside as much as possible and teaching the kids how to play sports is fun for me! I always have helpers in the kitchen if we're making treats!
A Little About Jonathan....

I have the privilege of serving as one of the pastors at our church where I get to invest in people. I get to equip them to fulfill their God-given purpose. Though my role can be demanding on my time, I also have the flexibility for breakfast dates at McDonald's with each of my boys, and being home each night for dinner and family worship. After dinner, my boys usually want to "wrestle" (ie: jump on me and have a tickle fight) or be my helpers in the yard. In my spare time, I enjoy creative projects such as woodworking or playing the piano.
Meet Our Boys

Josiah joined our family through adoption in 2016. He is energetic and enthusiastic about life. Some of his favorite activities are breakfast dates with Daddy and riding his scooter. Jadon was born in 2019. He is thoughtful and asks big questions. Jadon likes sharing his bedroom with his big brother. He enjoys mustard, dill pickles, farm animals and tractors. Judah was born in 2021. He has a relaxed and happy personality. He loves following his big brothers around, and they encourage him to join in their play.

Thank you for considering us as you work to make some important decisions. We want the best for you and your child. We would be honored to be a part of it.