Kevin and Emily

We would like to first say that God loves you so much! His love for you and your boy or girl is unconditional. I cannot place myself in your shoes, nor pretend to. I know that only God can lead you in the direction that is right for you and your child. Do not feel pressured by any human, wait for God's direction and timing. If you follow God's lead, then and then only will you feel comfortable in your decision. My prayer is that you give everything to the Lord and allow him to lead. If God ends up leading you to adoption, know that this can be a decision made with love and courage. When we trust in God, we are all adopted into God's family - adoption is special to God in so many ways.
We pray that God would walk beside you every step of the way, and that you would feel his loving presence as you take these steps in pursuing adoption for your baby. May you know that you are beautiful, valued, and precious in his eyes, and in our eyes as well. We are very excited to get to know you: to meet you, and to hear your story (however much you feel ready and willing to share), and to find how we can support you and encourage you. We want to share our stories with you as well, so that you can know all about us. You are more to us than our child's biological parent(s). You are our friend and a brother/sister in Christ.
Sincerely, Kevin and Emily
The Story of Us

When I first met Emily, I knew she was a very special woman. Emily had a strong foundation in God and centered her life around her faith, which was very evident. We initially communicated via a dating database "Christian Mingle." It was such a blessing to meet Emily, and I feel like God knew she was the perfect woman for me. I had never thought I would try an online dating platform, however after finishing college, my residency and moving to a new area for my job without knowing anyone, I decided to give it a try. Emily was always kind, thoughtful and charming, from the first date and each date after that. I quickly realized that Emily was perfect for me and definitely an answered prayer. Our love has grown deeper each and every day and I look forward to seeing what the future has for us! ~Kevin
I had dated in college a little bit, but always longed for a man with a strong faith, who loved the Lord with all his heart. I wanted a man who sees the best in everyone, and treats strangers as friends, and puts himself last. I wanted a man who would camp in twenty degree weather with me, smiling the entire time, and who loves to try new things and be outside as much as possible. I wanted a man who would put his family first at all times. I wanted a man who, when he looks at me, I feel loved and cherished and beautiful; a man who will tell me when I am wrong, not just tell me what I want to hear. I felt that I was in love immediately. However, I knew he was the one when we went on a date and he ate an outdoor picnic with me when it was 15 degrees outside. He held my hand that day as well. Kevin and I dated for one year before we got engaged, and eight months later we were married. We have been married for five years, and it has been an incredible five years. I still get just as excited when he walks through the door after work every day. We have learned so much about each other as we have faced trials and challenges, and our love has grown deeper and stronger, with firm roots. The qualities I admire in my husband are: selflessness, courage, extreme kindness, diligence and hard work, faithfulness, honesty, adventure and a love for the outdoors. He also is hilarious- or at least I think so! ~Emily
A Little About Our Family...

Ella is our four-year-old. Ella has blown me away with how wonderful a big sister she is to her little brother. Ella is nurturing and takes very good care of her brother, and helps me feed him, change him (she pulls his diaper out and plays with him) and do many other things with him.
Noah is our one-year-old. Noah's personality is really coming through these days! He is a very cuddly little boy, and loves his big sister most of all.
Life has become busy with kids, so our relationship needs extra attention. Small things make a big difference- a strong hug before he goes to work, a little surprise box of chocolates on the table in the morning. We love to laugh, and after the kids go to bed, we do our best to spend time with one another certain nights, doing back massages and telling stories about the day, or just reading our bibles side by side. We pray for one another and for our marriage. When we disagree, we never let anger linger and do our best to reconcile and start fresh quickly. Kevin's parents live one hour away, and Emily's live two hours away, but they are very involved with the kids, and if they are visiting, we make it a priority to sneak out for a walk or jog together, as a little mini-date. Watching each other be parents has strengthened our marriage as well. Our shared dreams include: adopting a baby or young child, raising our children to know Christ, camping and backpacking and traveling with our kids, serving the Lord in a ministry, Emily- raising my children as a stay-at-home mom, but also continuing my career on the side as a nurse. I may pursue NICU nursing in the future, but I enjoy being a cancer nurse now. Our true dream is to follow God's calling for our lives, and to help our children, both biological and adopted, to do the same.
Many Blessings
We want to say that you are a beautiful child of God and an amazing mother. While we can only begin to understand what you are going through and what you are feeling at this time, we do know that you and your baby are loved and cherished by God, and he will direct your paths. If the Lord leads you to choose adoption for your baby, your child will be taught and will know that this decision was a difficult one made with deep love and courage and selflessness.

We would love to get to know you. Please contact SOFA to take the next step.