Lloyd and Bonnie

Dear Expectant Mom, we know your journey hasn't been easy and what you are considering is a tremendous, selfless sacrifice on your part. We want to honor the love you have already shown your child by wanting the best for him/her. We would love to know you better, and we are hopeful that it can become a lifelong friendship. We feel that adoption is a special calling from God and that He prepared our hearts to be ready.
We hope that if you choose us to be part of your child’s life, that I (Lloyd) will be able to be the positive father that my father was to me~ Lloyd

About Us
Bonnie is kind, generous, thoughtful, beautiful, selfless, happy, she always takes care of me, sweet, easy to talk to and faith filled. I was initially attracted to Bonnie’s positive attitude, her smile and that she was so easy to talk to.~Lloyd
Lloyd is kind, sweet, honest, has a great sense of humor, faithful, gentle with children, hardworking, patient, intelligent, adventurous and very giving.
The qualities I admire in Lloyd are his love for God and family, his honesty, kindness, gentleness, humility, patience, hard work ethic and his sense of humor. He brings joy to my life and makes me laugh every day. ~Bonnie

We are unable to have biological children, but we are the fun aunt and uncle to 16 nieces and nephews including 1 in heaven. We love spending time with all of them and try to be present at all events, most especially birthdays and Sacraments. We are the Godparents to 5 of them and Bonnie is the Godmother to her friend’s adopted daughter.
Our faith is very important to our daily lives, and it helps us overcome the obstacles that are placed in front of us.
We love to travel, try new foods, amusements parks and baseball games, watching tv/movies (especially Marvel and DC Comics), celebrating Holidays and spending time with our immediate and extended families. We attend weekly Mass and other special functions, and we love our Church family who also supports us.
It will be nice to have a child in our home to bring laughter, fun, and more love! We are looking forward to experiencing everything through child-like wonder. It will add a new dimension to our marriage and relationship with each other once we have a child to love.

How We Met
We began our relationship as friends because at the time we met, I was currently dating someone else. We continued to talk as friends for 5 months before he asked to meet me for coffee as friends. I agreed and from the moment he hugged me before we went into Panera for coffee, I knew he was the one. We talked for a couple hours and I felt like I was talking with the man God had chosen for me. We had a lot in common, enjoyed the same things in life and it was so easy to talk to him. I knew that when I got home that evening, I needed to end my relationship with the other man I was dating - it was that clear. We had our first date on June 14, 2013 and we dated for 2+ years. Lloyd proposed to me on June 25, 2015 (his birthday) and we were married the following December.
We want you to know that you are important, you are worthy, you are prayed for and you are loved - no matter what! Thank you for choosing the gift of life for your precious child. We cannot imagine what you are going through right now, but we admire you for considering all the options in order to choose the best possible life for your child. That already makes you a good, loving mother!
One of the main reasons why I love Spirit of Faith Adoptions is because they treat every person involved with dignity, love and compassion. We will make adoption part of our normal everyday conversation, and we will honor you in every part of our child's adoption story. Adoption is a beautiful gift and we want our child to know how loved and wanted he/she is.
~Lloyd and Bonnie
We want to honor you and the love you have already shown your child, and we are hopeful that we can form a lifelong friendship with you.