Pre-Service Adoption Training

Upcoming Training Dates:

Pre-Service Training is for families who have been accepted into SOFA and are currently working through the homestudy paperwork.

Click to Register:

*Sessions #1 & 3: Introduction to SOFA and the Homestudy Process, and Culture

Session #2: Forming Healthy Attachments (virtual)

Session #4: Infant CPR and First Aid (virtual)

*taught, in-person, at the SOFA office in Sylvania, Ohio. Attendance is required.

Adoptive family on a sofa laughing together
Couple holding baby shoes

What If We Can't Attend A Session?

If you are unable to attend the live event, you will need to register for the next session.  We offer all (4) sessions of Pre-Service trainings in February (Winter), May/June (Spring) & October/November (Fall) every year.  

All (4) training courses must be completed in order to complete Step 3: Homestudy and advance to Step 4: Activation into Domestic Infant Adoption Matching Program

Couple whispering

These training sessions are for applicants that have completed Steps #1 & #2 with Spirit of Faith Adoptions. 

Twelve (12) hours of Pre-Service Training must be completed in order to fulfill the state mandated Home Study Requirements for Ohio Foster to Adopt/Adoptive Applicants. All families are required to attend these Pre-Service training sessions.

Foster parents will receive a stipend reimbursement of $15/person per hour to attend. 

These trainings can also count towards ongoing training hours for any Ohio licensed foster parent, so SOFA families can retake these training courses to count towards your (24) hours of ongoing foster parent training hours needed to review your foster care license.