Required Preplacement Training
Upcoming Training Dates:
Preplacement Training is for families who have been accepted into SOFA and are currently working through the homestudy paperwork.
Click to Register:
Preplacement Training Session #1: Orientation to Preadoptive Infant Foster Care and Adoption (1 hour on Zoom)
Preplacement Training Session #2 (in person, all day meeting at Sylvania, Ohio office)
Preplacement Training Session #3 (2.5 hours on Zoom)
American Heart Association Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid and Adult and Child CPR Without Skills Testing (training through Ohio CAPS Training Center) Trouble logging in? Click HERE for step by step instructions
What If We Can't Attend A Session?
If you are unable to attend the live event, you will need to register for the next session. The sessions are offered multiple times per year.
All four (4) training courses listed above must be completed in order to complete Step 3: Homestudy.