Step 7 Post Placement

Congratulations on the adoptive placement of your child! SOFA stands for Spirit of Faith Adoptions & "Support of Families Always." Our staff is celebrating with you and will continue to be here for you and your family, now, as you complete Step 7 and beyond.

To complete Step 7:

1. Submit Your Post Placement Fee

2. Follow your Post Placement Schedule

3. Within the 1st 30 days, please ask your medical provider to complete the JFS 01653 Medical Statement and upload to SOFA Your child is required to receive regular routine well child check-ups by a licensed health care provider and to receive all recommended immunizations. Please obtain a copy of the medical summary from your doctor at each visit and submit the form to us via the document upload, fax, or mail.

4. Please send a photo of your child to Ellie for your file with his/her eyes open and without a pacifier. [email protected]

4. Ellie will guide you through preparing for your finalization hearing.

5. Please notify Stacy if you have any questions or concerns regarding your relationship with your child's birth family.

Here are some helpful tips on what to expect until your adoption is finalized in court:

An adoption assessor will contact you via phone following placement to schedule your first post-placement visit. The post-placement visit schedule is mandated by the Ohio Revised Code, chapter 3107.101. As of 3/15/2020, due to COVID-19, all post placment visits will occur virtually until further notice.

  • The first face-to-face visit will occur within the first seven days of placement. Both adoptive parents and all household members must be present.
  • The second visit will take place within the first thirty days of the placement.
  • Subsequent visits will occur once each month until a final decree of adoption is issued by the courts, which will take place a minimum of six months from the date of placement.
  • Both adoptive parents must be present at each visit. Siblings and additional household members must be present at every other visit.
  • At each visit, the adoption assessor is required to tour your home and view each bedroom.

When to Notify Ellie @ SOFA:

  • In the event that your child is critically ill or injured, you must notify us with 1 hour of the incident.
  • Any plans to travel away from home with your child for a period of more than 2 days, or when you travel outside the state of Ohio.
  • Any change in household status, relocation, job change, health status.

Please send this information to Ellie at [email protected]. or call 419-843-5355, M-F 9-5pm. For emergencies after hours, please call the Helpline: 866-414-3021.

At least thirty days prior to your scheduled adoption finalization court hearing, your Adoption Assessor will complete the Pre-Finalization Report (JFS 1699) with you. Following that visit, you will receive a copy to review. Your signature is required and then the form will be submitted to your attorney for the finalization hearing no later than 20 days prior to the finalization court date. Please contact your attorney after the 4th month visit regarding your finalization hearing. A copy of the 1699 form can be viewed here.

Any outstanding medical bills and post placement fees are due prior to the finalization of the adoption.

Post Placement Correspondence with Birth Parent(s) is extremely important.

Please follow these requirements:

An email or text upon arrival home from hospital

An update after 1st pediatrician appt.

Year 1: Photos and written updates on date of birth during 1st month, 3rd month, 6th month, 9th month and on 1st birthday.

Year 2: Photos and written updates on date of birth at 15 months, 18 months, 21 months, and on 2nd birthday.

Year 3: Photos and written updates on date of birth at 30 months and on 3rd birthday.

Photos and written updates annually thereafter, on or near the child’s birthday.

(optional) face to face visit, after finalization

(optional) face to face visit annually

Please set up a Gmail account to be used specifically for communicating with birth parents. Please blind copy [email protected] so that we can follow-up with birth parents.

Please note: If a child has been placed in an approved adoptive home, Spirit of Faith Adoptions must assure that your home study continues to be in an approved status until the adoption is finalized. Therefore, your home study must remain active and approved until the court date. Depending on when your home study was approved, we may required an update (once every two years) in accordance with rules 5101:2-48-12.1 and 5101:2-48-12.2 of the Administrative Code.

Questions?: 419-843-5355 or email us:

1. Phillip Wurster, Adoptive Parent/Director (financial and legal)

[email protected]

2. Ellie Hartford, Adoptive Parent/Adoption Services Specialist (paperwork)

[email protected]

3. Stacy Knox, former Single Mom/Program Director (oversees expectant parent services and provides support for families from Matching through Placement: Steps 4-6)

[email protected]

or click to schedule a phone meeting

We look forward to guiding you through your adoption journey, one step at a time.