Live Continuing Trainings for
Ohio Foster Families
A minimum of 12 hours are required to be trained live (On Zoom or in Person)
Collaboration/Teaming, Confidentiality, Legal Aspects, Placement, Permanency
Preparing Caregivers for Foster Care and Adoption (1 live training hour- REQUIRED, scheduled by Kathryn with a family as needed) This training will equip pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents with an overview of what to expect after the homestudy is approved, as caregivers start the foster care and adoption process. Learning objectives and activity outlines will include: a. how to effectively work with Adoption Supervisor and other agency staff, understanding caregivers’ roles as a member of the child protection team, and preparing caregivers to reunify the child with his/her primary parent or kinship family, and understanding the legal processes of foster care and adoption. This course will be offered as a live Zoom discussion with Adoption Supervisor and caregiving family. Participants will receive a total of 1 hour of live training credit after submitting a written evaluation. Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting. Training was developed by Stacy Knox, LPC, Director.
Collaboration/Teaming, Confidentiality, Legal Aspects, Placement, Permanency
Preparing for Step 5 and 6: Matching and Placement With Caregiving Family (1 live training hour - REQUIRED, scheduled by Kathryn with a family as needed)This training will equip family foster caregivers, treatment or medically fragile foster caregivers, pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents with an overview of what to expect after becoming matched (Step 5), as caregivers prepare for the foster care and/or adoption placement (Step 6). Learning objectives and activity outlines will include: a. how to effectively function as a member of the child protection team during the matching process, b. how to work with biological families towards permanency, c. understanding legal issues in placement, d. how to ethically fulfill the role of caregiver during matching, e. the child welfare team’s role in achieving the most appropriate permanency goal for the child, and f. how to prepare for a child to leave the caregiver's home and join his/her adoptive family or next caregiving family when necessary. This course will be offered as a live Zoom discussion with Adoption Supervisor and caregiving family. Participants will receive a total of 1 hour of live training credit after submitting a written evaluation. Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting. Training was developed by Stacy Knox, LPC, Director.
Engagement, Placement, Home visits, Maintaining Connections and Trauma
Introduction to SOFA: Voices of Adoption (1 hour) Offered monthly
Participants will hear a birth mom who had a placement over 20 years ago, describe her experiences during pregnancy, choice of adoption and after placement. In order to teach participants about empathy, for the biological family and better understand how trauma impacts those who choose adoption. The benefits of preadoptive infant foster care licensure for potential adoptive families will be discussed. Participants will hear adoptive parents discuss their experience with the homestudy, the waiting period, making a profile book, meeting a biological family (if applicable), and sharing age appropriate placement information with the child. Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting.
Decision Making, Well Being, Self Care, Trauma, Placement, Adoption, Foster Care
March 10, 2025 6:00pm-8:00pm Infertility & Preparing for PreAdoptive Infant Foster Care & Adoption (2 hours) This training will equip pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents to examine infertility as a part of a journey. Infertility statistics will be examined to help participants examine foster care & adoption as a meaningful way to build a family. Emphasis will be placed on self care and therapeutic resolution of infertility, prior to completing an adoption. Trainer NiCole Reed, LPCC-S Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting.
Separation, Adoption, Trauma, Trauma: Secondary, Visitation, Maintaining Connections, Legal Aspects
November 10, 2025 6:00pm-8:00pm How to Navigate Closed Adoptions (2 hours) This training will equip pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents to talk with their child(ren) when the adoption is closed. Emphasis will be placed on establishing connections with birth parents prior to surrender to provide the child with lasting memories, photos or information of that time period. Information will be shared on how to prepare their child(ren) to talk about their birth story across their life span. Suggestions for connecting with any aspect of their past will be encouraged. The history of sealing/unsealing birth records throughout the United States will be examined for preparation if a child(ren) chooses to search later in life. Trainer: Emily Gallagher LISW-S Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting.
Culture and Diversity, Adoption, Maintaining Connections, Communication
February 10, 2025 6:00pm-8:00pm Adopting Outside of Your Race (2 hours) This training will equip pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents to consider adoption outside of their race. Culture, race, equity and inclusion will be discussed. Participants will learn of ways to incorporate other cultures and races into their home and life. Suggestions will be given for how to cope with adversity when adopting outside of your race. Trainer: Carolyn Arny Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting.
Trauma, Trauma: Secondary, Maltreatment, Adoption, Behavioral Health, Education, Community Resources, Conflict Management, Collaboration/Teaming - Date to be Determined
Understanding Trauma & Trauma Informed Care (2 hours) This training will equip pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents to understand how trauma can play a role in behavior, attachment/bonding, education, and relationships. Brain development will be examined and resilience will be emphasized. Participants will be able to work closely with their traumatized adopted child for understanding and growth. Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting.
Visitation, Reunification, Adoption, Collaboration/Teaming, Child Development, Separation, Trauma, Communication, Foster care - Date to be Determined
How to Navigate Complex Family Dynamics in PreAdoptive Infant Foster Care & Adoption (2 hours) This training will equip pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents to interact with their family and friends when they have negative comments regarding their choice to foster and adopt. Specific attention will be given to discussing when there are multiple placements within a family and the openness dynamic is different for each child. Some discussion will examine interactions with birth parents. Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting.
Well Being, Self Care, Post Adoption Services, Community Resources - Date to be Determined
Self Care in PreAdoptive Infant Foster Care & Adoption (2 hours) This training will equip pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers and adoptive parents to address the stress in their life. This stress can be related to the foster care and adoption process or stress in general. Focus will be placed on parents ability to identify stress, identify their stress triggers and identify how they best destress. Trainer will provide suggestions of community resources to stress management as well as healthy living strategies. Participants will receive an evaluation link following the training meeting.
To Receive Credit for Live Trainings:
Ohio licensed pre-adoptive foster parents will need to:
1. Register and attend the scheduled session.
2. Complete an evaluation.
3. Ohio licensed foster parents will receive a training stipend and certificate of completion for each hour of coursework completed.
4. Questions: [email protected]