SOFA Adoption Policies

Adoption Services—Overview

SOFA is a Christian Adoption agency and will match children with families professing Jesus Christ as their Savior.  This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Director if he determines said match would be in the best interests of the child (children). 

SOFA will not match a family until those families youngest child is at least nine months of age.  In the event an applicant becomes pregnant, the family's adoption status will be put on hold. Applicants will be invited to join or rejoin Step 4: Activation to Matching Program when their youngest child in the household is at least nine months of age.  These requirements do not apply to adult relatives of a child who have expressed an interest in adopting the child and meet all relevant state child protection standards  unless SOFA determines that the match is not in the child's best interest.  This policy may also be waived for special needs children as well or other factors as judged by the Director.  

The service to be provided will include:

Inquiry Process pursuant to OAC 5101:2-48-08

SOFA maintains a log of inquiries, as required, from persons interested in being adoptive parents. The log indicates the follow-up that occurred with each inquiry. 

As  the first step in being accepted into SOFA, all persons must fill out an initial inquiry form which is provided on-line or may be mailed upon request.  All applicants must meet the requirement that they are believers of Jesus Christ and agree with and provide and sign the guidelines as provided by SOFA to verify their Christian beliefs.  The Director or his/her designee shall determine whether the Applicants have provided sufficient information to verify their Christian beliefs.    SOFA respects the right of anyone to pursue adoption, but our mission is to place newborns children in families that correspond with the Biblical values as outlined in these guidelines which include the Adoptive Parent’s Covenant, the Christian Lifestyle Guidelines, the Statement of Faith, and Spiritual Affiliation.  Upon receipt of the SOFA initial inquiry form, the JFS 01691 will be sent to the prospective applicants.  

Follow-up for any initial inquiry shall be timely for all inquirers regardless of their geographical location.  SOFA shall respond to all initial inquiries concerning adoption within seven working days and shall provide access to the following information to the inquirer: 

A copy of the JFS 01675 "Ohio Adoption Guide”

How to obtain an application for adoption and a copy SOFA’s adoption policy, prepared pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-05 of the Administrative Code;  

A criminal records check is required, as a precondition to being approved for an adoptive match, for all prospective adoptive parents and all adult residents of an adoptive home and

The adoption homestudy assessment process.

SOFA shall receive form JFS 01691 from applicants as outlined in amended OAC 5101:2-48-09.    SOFA reserves the right to process the initial inquiries as approved by the State of Ohio Attorney General at the formation of the Agency, which includes the Statement of Faith and Pastoral letters as a prerequisite prior to the acceptance of the JFS 01691 form.   The Statement of Faith and/or the Pastoral Letter must meet the requirements of the Statement of Beliefs as established by SOFA, and as determined to be acceptable by the Director or his/ her designee.

The SOFA Director or staff shall also be available to meet in person or via the phone and discuss the services with an applicant as outlined in this section.  A copy of the Adoption Services Overview shall also be provided to all applicants.  

Application Process pursuant to OAC 5101:2-48-09

SOFA shall:

Inform all individuals applying for adoption homestudy approval that they can also be studied for foster home certification simultaneously.  Anyone who desires to join SOFA’s matching program must receive simultaneous homestudy adoption and foster care approval.   The geographic location for SOFA Homestudies shall be for applicants in central and northern Ohio.

SOFA shall ensure that employees or persons under contract with the agency to perform assessor duties comply with the following requirements.

The assessor definition in rule 5101:2-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

Rule 5101:2-48-06 of the Administrative Code.

Section 3107.014 of the Revised Code.

To avoid a conflict of interest, or the appearance of any conflict of interest, an assessor shall not perform any assessor duties for any of the following persons:

Him or herself.

Any person who is a relative of the assessor.

Any agency employee for whom the assessor has any supervisory responsibility.

Any agency employee who has any supervisory responsibility for the assessor.

To avoid a conflict of interest, or the appearance of any conflict of interest:

SOFA’s Director and a relative of the Director shall not have an adoption homestudy completed by the agency with which the Director is employed.

A member of the agency's governing body and a person known to the agency as a relative of a member of the agency's governing body shall not have an adoption homestudy completed by the agency with which the member is associated.

Adoption inquiries from anyone mentioned in this paragraph wishing to have an adoption homestudy completed shall be referred to another agency with no such appearance of a conflict of interest.

An existing approved adoption homestudy of any person referred to in paragraph (D) of this rule shall be transferred to another adoption agency within sixty days of the effective date of this rule.

If the agency becomes aware an approved adoptive parent of the agency is a relative of the administrator or a relative of a member of the agency's governing body, it shall initiate a transfer of the adoption homestudy. The transfer shall be completed within sixty days of the discovery.

SOFA may selectively recruit on the basis of the need for adoptive parents that reflect the diversity of waiting children for whom adoptive homes are needed as specified in the agency's recruitment plan as required by rule 5101:2-48-05 of the Administrative Code.

SOFA shall not deny the acceptance of the JFS 01691 based on race, color, national origin, disability, age, gender, sexual gender identity, or sexual orientation of the applicant. 

SOFA shall not consider the age, gender, sexual identity, or sexual orientation of a child being considered for adoption in determining whether a homestudy is approved or disapproved or a child is placed in the home.

SOFA shall not discriminate in approving or disapproving a homestudy on the basis of disability in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794 (12/2015) and of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 1201 (8/1981).

SOFA shall not consider the race, color or national origin of a family for whom the agency is conducting a homestudy in determining whether a homestudy is approved or disapproved or a child is placed in the home.

As prohibited by the Multiethnic Placement Act, Oct. 20, 1994, P.L. 103-382, as amended by Section 1808 of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, Aug. 20, 1996, P.L. 104-188 (MEPA), and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), agencies may not deny any person the opportunity to become an adoptive parent on the basis of race, color, or national origin of the person or of any children involved.

The agency shall not consider the race, color, or national origin of a child being considered for adoption in determining whether a homestudy is approved or disapproved or a child is placed in the home.

SOFA may consider a child's race, color, or national origin only in those cases it is determined acceptable pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-13 of the Administrative Code.

SOFA shall use the JFS 01691 "Application for Child Placement" for all initial adoption homestudy applications.    Upon receipt of the SOFA initial inquiry form and a pastoral letter, the JFS 01691 will be provided to the prospective applicants.  All applicants must meet the requirement that they are believers of Jesus Christ and agree with the guidelines as provided by SOFA and referred to above to verify their Christian beliefs.  The Director or his/her designee shall determine whether the Applicants have provided sufficient information to verify their Christian beliefs.  SOFA shall provide the JFS 01691 to any individual requesting an application for adoption within seven days of receipt of a request for an application.  Follow-up for any initial inquiry shall be timely for all inquirers regardless of their geographical location.

The agency shall not accept an incomplete JFS 01691. Upon request, SOFA shall assist the applicant in completing the application and securing all required documents and information.

The agency shall not begin the homestudy assessment process prior to the receipt of a fully completed JFS 01691 signed by the applicant(s).

SOFA shall commence the homestudy assessment within thirty days after the date the agency receives a fully completed JFS 01691 signed by the adoptive applicant(s).

Commencement of a homestudy means, at a minimum, scheduling an appointment to interview the applicant or assuring the applicant is informed of the necessary materials required for the assessor to complete the homestudy.

Should SOFA fail to commence a homestudy within thirty days after receiving the application, the agency shall document on the JFS 01673 "Assessment for Child Placement" (rev. 12/2014) the reason(s) SOFA is unable to meet this requirement.

SOFA shall complete the homestudy within one hundred eighty days after the date the agency received the completed application. 

SOFA shall not continue with the homestudy process if all required documentation is not submitted within one hundred eighty days of the receipt of the initial or revised JFS 01691 unless SOFA makes a determination that the homestudy should not be terminated and documents this on the JFS 01673 "Assessment for Child Placement" (rev. 12/2014). The applicant shall be notified, in writing, at least thirty days prior to the termination of the application. Written notification shall contain an explanation of the reason for termination and a description of the procedures for requesting a review of the agency's decision.  

When SOFA initiates an adoptive homestudy with an applicant, they shall notify the PCSA in the county the applicant resides. This requirement does not apply to:

An adoption by a step-parent whose spouse is a biological or adoptive parent of the minor to be adopted.

An adoption where the PCSA in the county the adoptive applicant resides contracts with SOFA to complete the adoptive applicant's homestudy.

The written notification to the PCSA, shall be sent within ten days of the initiation of the homestudy, and shall include the following information:

The applicant's name.

The applicant's address.

The applicant's telephone number.

The names and dates of birth of all household members at the time of the application.

A request for any relevant information, if known, including, at a minimum:

Confirmation of household members as determined by a review of agency records.

Information relating to any previous foster care or adoption applications and/or placements, such as:

Past or present functioning of the prospective adoptive parent and household members.

Rule violations.

Information on the events leading to a removal of any child from the prospective adoptive family home.

The following is required for the homestudy:

An assessor shall conduct a face to face interview with all members of the household over the age of four years. The interview with all members of the household over the age of four years may be a joint interview or separate individual interviews.

Documentation of current marital status, which shall include a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or other verification of marital status, if applicable.

The bureau of criminal investigation (BCI), federal bureau of investigation (FBI) reports, and the National Sex Offender Registry search, as outlined in rule 5101:2-48-10 of the Administrative Code for all persons subject to a criminal records check.

The criminal records check(s) must be completed and the results received by the agency prior to approval of the homestudy.

SOFA shall search in the statewide automated child welfare information system (SACWIS), and SOFA shall complete an alleged perpetrator search of abuse and neglect report history through the system for each adoptive applicant and each adult who resides with the applicant. 

A report with the results of the search shall be placed in the adoptive record.

This report is used to determine the suitability of the adoptive applicant as an adoptive parent.

SOFA shall request a check of the child abuse and neglect registry of any other state an applicant or other adult household member has resided in the five years immediately prior to the date of the criminal records check as required by division (A) of section 2151.86 of the Revised Code.

Completion of the JFS 01530 "Large Family Assessment” is required at the time of the adoption homestudy when:

A family has a total of five or more children residing in the home at the time of the homestudy, including foster children and children in kinship care, or;

A family will have a total of five or more children residing in the home based upon the number of children residing in the home at the time of the homestudy, including foster children and children in kinship care, and the number of children the family will be approved to adopt.

The JFS 01653 "Medical Statement for Foster Care/Adoptive Applicant and All Household Members" completed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner or certified nurse-midwife within one year prior to approval of the homestudy for the applicant and all household members.

Any written documentation of a physical examination shall be completed by the individual conducting the examination.

The form shall document that the applicant and all members of the household are free from any physical, emotional or mental condition which would endanger children or seriously impair the ability of the household members to care for the child being adopted.

The agency may require an applicant to secure and provide to the agency a report of an additional examination by a licensed physician, psychologist, or other certified or licensed professional as may be determined by the Agency and include but are not limited to the following: 

The applicant or any household member has suffered a serious illness or injury within the past year.

It is determined to be necessary by the agency to ensure the safety, health, or care of any child who may be placed in the home of the applicant.

At each Homestudy update.

The applicant shall have an income sufficient to meet the basic needs of the household and to make timely payment of shelter costs, utility bills, and other debts. To show this, an applicant shall provide at a minimum:

A completed JFS 01681"Applicant Financial Statement" (rev. 10/2000).

Proof of income for the household for the most recent tax year prior to the date of application.

Proof of income for the household for a two month period. The verification of income shall not be dated more than six months prior to the agency's approval of the adoption homestudy.

At least one utility bill for each utility necessary to maintain the household. The bill or bills should not be dated more than six months prior to the agency's approval of the adoption homestudy.

Prior to approving the homestudy for adoption, SOFA shall document that each person seeking adoption approval successfully completes preservice training in accordance with rule 5101:2-48-09 of the Administrative Code. Each person seeking adoption approval shall receive training on the Administrative Code rules and SOFA’s policies and procedures that are in effect on the date SOFA approves the adoption homestudy.

References shall be received by SOFA prior to the approval of the homestudy.

The applicant shall provide the names and contact information of at least three people who are unrelated to the applicant and do not reside with the applicant, so that they may be contacted as references. A minimum of three personal references, and one of the personal references for the adoptive parent(s), shall be from a relative who does not currently reside in the adoptive parent(s) home.  If no such relative is available, then the third reference shall be from an unrelated person and the reason the unavailability of a relative shall be noted in the file.  A fourth reference shall be provided by a Pastor/Clergy or cell group leader of their home church. These references shall be received prior to the date the agency approves the homestudy.

The applicant and all adult household members shall provide the name of any other agency or organization the applicant and any household member has applied to or had a homestudy approved or denied for foster care or adoption, or any organization they have worked with in providing care and supervision of children. The applicant and all adult household members shall complete a written and signed release of information statement so any such reference may be contacted.

SOFA shall contact all adult children of the applicant for a reference.  If the adult children are unable or unwilling to provide a reference this shall be assessed during the homestudy process and documented in the homestudy.

All contacts with references listed above are required and shall be documented in the narrative section of the homestudy.

The JFS 01200 "Fire Inspection Report for Residential Facilities Certified by ODJFS" or other form used for a local or state fire inspection certifying the home is free from conditions hazardous to the safety of children. The report shall not be dated more than twelve months prior to the agency's approval of the homestudy.

The JFS 01348 "Safety Audit", documenting the residence satisfactorily meets all safety standards.  Every floor in the home shall have a fully functioning carbon monoxide and smoke detector.  They shall also be near each sleeping area.

There shall be a continuous supply of safe drinking water. Well water used for drinking and cooking shall be tested and approved by the health department prior to approval of the adoption homestudy.  During the homestudy, the Assessor shall also check to ensure the hot water temperature shall register between 110 and 120 degrees prior to final approval of the Health and Safety Audit.  

Prior to the end of the assessment process, applicants shall complete and sign the JFS 01673-A "Child Characteristics Checklist for Foster Care and/or Adoption"  indicating the acceptable characteristics of the child the applicant is willing to adopt.

The determination of the specific number, age, and gender of children the adoptive applicant is approved for is the joint decision of the applicant and the assessor, based on the applicant's strengths and needs.

Upon the request from an applicant or approved adoptive parent, the JFS 1673-A may be updated as often as needed.

International and step-parent adoptions are exempt from this form requirement.

SOFA shall document in each record that the applicant has been evaluated by an assessor to determine the applicant's compliance with all homestudy requirements and the suitability of the applicant to be approved as  foster care/adoptive parent considering all household members.

In completing the evaluation, a written narrative shall be compiled, signed by the assessor, and approved by the supervisor, indicating approval or denial of the application.

This evaluation shall be a completed JFS 01673 or JFS 01692 "Application for Adoption of a Foster Child or Sibling Group" as applicable.

Step-parent and international homestudies are exempt from this form requirement. The JFS 01698 "Step-parent Homestudy Report" may be used when the court requests an agency to conduct a homestudy involving a step-parent adoption.

In addition to the requirements of Chapter 5101:2-48 of the Administrative Code, SOFA may establish a written policy that applies to all applicants, requiring submission of additional materials or documents, or participation in additional assessment activities. SOFA shall not approve an adoption homestudy prior to the completion of those requirements, in addition to all requirements of Chapter 5101:2-48 of the Administrative Code that are applicable to the approval of the adoption homestudy.

The assessor shall make one or more of the following recommendations at the completion of the adoption homestudy:

Approve the applicant(s) as adoptive parent(s).

Deny the adoption application.

The assessor or SOFA designee shall provide written notification to the applicant(s) of approval or denial of the adoption homestudy.  The written notification shall be provided within ten days after the homestudy is approved or disapproved.

Adoption homestudy approval notification shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

Date of approval of the homestudy with the date the approved homestudy expires.

A description of the characteristics of the child or children for whom the applicant is being approved.

Adoption homestudy denial shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

A detailed explanation of the reasons for the denial.

A description of procedures for an agency review pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-24 of the Administrative Code.

No later than ten days after the homestudy is completed, the agency shall document the results of the homestudy on the JFS 01609 "Family Permanency Planning Data Summary".

Since SOFA has access to SACWIS, SOFA shall enter the appropriate data into the system to complete the provider record and approve the adoption homestudy.  

SOFA shall not release a homestudy to any other agency or probate court if it is determined that the application, homestudy or any document provided during the homestudy process contains a false statement knowingly made by the applicant.

The homestudy shall be updated every two years from the date of approval of the initial homestudy in accordance with rule 5101:2-48-12.1 of the Administrative Code. The homestudy shall be amended, if applicable, in accordance with rule 5101:2-48-12.2 of the Administrative Code.

If a child has been placed in an approved home, the agency shall assure that the home continues to be in an approved status until the adoption is finalized by updating and amending the homestudy in accordance with rules 5101:2-48-12.1 and 5101:2-48-12.2 of the Administrative Code.

An application submitted with a knowingly false statement shall not be used to initiate the homestudy and such falsification shall be handled pursuant to SOFA’s procedures pursuant to OAC 5101:2-33-13. 

An applicant shall have the opportunity to revise the JFS 01691 at any time regarding the characteristics or number of children desired. If SOFA, based upon receipt of a revised JFS 01691, determines that the applicant is now seeking a special needs child, requirements and time frames for the application and homestudy process shall begin with the date that the revised JFS 01691 is received by SOFA.  In this case the home study has to be completed within 180 days.  

If the applicant revises the JFS 01691 and does not seek to adopt a special needs child, the time frames for the application and homestudy process shall be consistent with the SOFA’s adoption policies for non-special needs homestudies.

Again, if SOFA is unable to meet this requirement, the reason must be documented in the home study. If SOFA determines the home study process cannot be initiated, written notification will be sent stating the reason as well as the procedures for a review of the agency decision.  The notification must be sent, no later than 15 days after the application was submitted. 

A summary report of the results of the abuse and neglect search shall be placed in each home record.  The summary report shall include, for each applicant and each adult household member, a chronological list of abuse and neglect determinations or allegations in which the person was involved where a PCSA has done one of the following:

Determined that abuse or neglect occurred.

Initiated an investigation, and the investigation is ongoing.

Initiated an investigation, and the investigation was unable to determine whether abuse or neglect occurred. This provision is limited to report dispositions the PCSA determined to be unable to locate.

The summary report shall not contain any of the following:

Any information concerning a report of abuse or neglect where the PCSA determined that abuse or neglect did not occur or was unsubstantiated.

The name of the person who or entity that made, or participated in the making of, the report of abuse or neglect. This includes any additional collateral contact who made, or participated in, the report of abuse or neglect.

The name of or other identifying information regarding a child.

Any information the release of which is prohibited by state or federal law.

If the search indicates there are no allegations or reports of involvement in child abuse and/or neglect investigations or there are only unsubstantiated reports for any applicant or adult household member, the summary report shall indicate that there are no substantiated or indicated reports involving any applicant or adult household member in an allegation or report of involvement in a child abuse and/or neglect investigation reported to the uniform statewide child welfare information system or the central registry.

Upon request, SOFA shall assist the applicant in completing the application and provide assistance to the applicant in securing all required documents and information.

Pre-service Training pursuant to OAC 5101:2-48-09

All applicants shall meet with the Director or his/her designee who will discuss all issues concerning the homestudy process, SOFA’s policies and procedures, the costs involved, adoption process, domestically (including the different kinds of adoptions) and internationallyThese discussions will describe the services SOFA will provide to assist them in the process and will discuss SOFA’s role in the matching process, along with the selection of birth parents SOFA shall require all adoptions be open between the birth parent(s) and adoptive couple.   Further, applicants shall be informed of the differences of custodial and non-custodial agencies. 

Discussions will also cover the fee schedule, which pre-finalization and post-finalization services that SOFA provides, legalization and openness of adoptions.  Prospective parents will also be informed of financial assistance involving grants, loans, children available, and estimated time involved.  Adoption support groups, helpful books, and additional resources will all be discussed.  Further discussions will center on the actual Adoption subsidy’s guide, SOFA’s standard of conduct, MEPA regulations, and procedure for complaints as well as the consequences for providing false information.

All applicants, unless otherwise waived, shall attend training offered by SOFA.  SOFA may accept comparable training offered under the auspices of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services or taught by the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program for Pre-Service Training, or another agency in Ohio that will provide the 12 hour training which include agencies such as Caring for Kids or Adopt America Network.  Such attendance is a prerequisite for the approval of a homestudy.

Spirit of Faith Adoptions pre-service training will cover the following topics as set forth in OAC 5101:2-5-33, and include but not be limited to :

History of SOFA

JFS Requirements for Certifying Foster Homes

Rights and Responsibilities of Foster Caregivers

SOFA Policies and Procedures

Medication Administration

Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

Community Resources and Communicable Diseases

The Home Study Process

Financial Information

Profile and Activation

Matching Process





Infant Care – Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

CPR and Infant First Aid

Early Childhood Development

Understanding Adjudicated Delinquents

Cultural Diversity

Attachment and Bonding

(4) In accordance with rule 5101:2-5-40(G)

Spirit of Faith Adoptions will utilize the  ITNA (Individual Training Needs Assessment) at the time of the homestudy assessment.  Foster caregiver training needs will be identified through this process.   First Aid, and Adult, Child and Infant CPR will always be identified as a need, and 1-2 additional  training needs will be identified.  This will be indicated in the ITNA and on the needs assessment of the foster care homestudy.  Program Director and/or Adoption Support Specialist will keep record of identified needs and ensure monthly training offerings to support foster caregiver training needs.  Self-directed learning (without a presenter present) can be counted for no more than 25% of the caregiver’s required training hours per certification period (2 years). 

Spirit of Faith Adoptions will utilize program evaluation at the conclusion of each foster caregiver training.  Foster caregivers will identify training ratings, items learned and suggestions for future trainings.  In virtual training format, foster caregivers will be required to participate once each hour.  This format will vary from options of direct question and answer, to answering multiple choice questions in the chat feature.  Foster caregivers shall be given 14 days to return training evaluation. Spirit of Faith Adoptions will issue foster caregivers a certificate of attendance within 30 days of  receipt of the training evaluation.

Spirit of Faith Adoptions will hire knowledgeable and relevant trainers for each training session.  This will be evaluated through personal interviews with Program Director or Training Supervisor.  All qualified trainers will be supervised during training session by a Master’s level Social Worker or Counselor with the exception of the CPR/First Aid training which will be presented by a qualified medical professional or certified instructor.

Spirit of Faith Adoptions will post training dates/ times on our website and in our monthly email newsletter to all our foster caregivers.  In addition to Spirit of Faith Adoptions offering foster caregiver trainings, families will also be directed to The Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWPT) for statewide training options.  Spirit of Faith Adoption’s website lists all foster caregiver trainings, and any foster caregiver from any agency can sign up for Spirit of Faith Adoptions’ trainings. 

Spirit of Faith Adoptions will compile a list of requested and desired trainings designated from the ITNA.  Program Director and/or Training Supervisor will designate trainers and review content prior to training date. Training opportunities will be offered to foster caregivers monthly. 

Spirit of Faith Adoptions will record attendance for signing in and signing out of each training facilitated by Spirit of Faith Adoptions.   Spirit of Faith Adoptions will issue a training certificate to each participant within 30 days of the date of training or as required.  Foster caregivers will be required to obtain and submit a certificate of attendance from any training they attend outside of Spirit of Faith Adoptions.  Foster caregivers will submit in writing a request to the agency for foster parent training credit of all outside trainings attended at least 30 days prior to the training being held. Program Director or his/her designee will approve or deny the training for foster caregiver credit prior to attendance if submitted request is in the appropriate time frame.  The certificates of attendance will be kept in foster caregiver records and foster care givers will be updated on their ongoing training hours upon request, annually and prior to recertification. The acceptance of training that is completed where a trainer is not present shall be considered by Spirit of Faith Adoptions on an individual basis and shall not be used for more than six hours of the required 24 hours of foster caregiver training every two years during each certification period.  To be accepted by Spirit of Faith Adoptions to meet a foster caregiver's continuing training requirements, the training must include a transfer of learning component such as a written summary, answers to questions, and/or participation in a live discussion, following completion of the training material pursuant to rule 5101:2-5-40 of the Administrative Code. Live discussions will be offered to caregivers once per month.

Continuing training completed outside a classroom may include training offered through the following methods:

(i) Video presentations.

(ii) Books or magazines.

Spirit of Faith Adoptions will provide evaluations to all foster caregivers at the conclusion of all foster caregiver trainings.  (see links). These evaluations will be examined by the Program Director and/or training staff to determine if modifications need to be made to training and/or future trainings need to be implemented following the conclusion of the training presentation and/or receipt of evaluations.

5) A description of course offerings and learning activities which contain, at a minimum, all of the following information:

(a)Course and learning activities title and description.

(b)Target audience (family foster caregivers, treatment or medically fragile foster caregivers, pre-adoptive infant foster caregivers).

(c)Course learning objectives.

(d)Training hours.

(e)Course and learning activity outline.

(f)Qualifications of the trainer or coach.

6. Spirit of Faith Adoptions shall enforce the following corrective action plan for foster caregivers that do not comply with obtaining the required (24) training hours by the time they request to update their homestudy, at each subsequent 2 year certification period renewal: 

(a).  Spirit of Faith Adoption will revoke a foster caregiver’s foster care certification if 24 hours of training have not been completed.

               (b). Spirit of Faith Adoptions will provide the foster caregiver with instructions on how to reapply to initiate a new foster care homestudy and certification if requested by the applicant.

Content will be delivered through a combination of in-person instruction during the mandatory Orientation, discussions with the Director, and online coursework delivered through on line training and/or face to face. 

Home study process pursuant to OAC 5101:2-48-12

SOFA shall provide homestudies in Northern, and Central Ohio or assist in finding a homestudy provider if one of SOFA’s contracting assessors is unavailable. 

In addition to providing homestudies to SOFA clients, SOFA, when appropriate, will also provide homestudies as described above for person(s) requiring a homestudy as a result of another agency’s requirement or as a result of an independent match.  

No homestudies shall be begun until a JFS 01691 is submitted, and all homestudy fees are non-refundable.

SOFA shall provide assistance to potential families in locating a homestudy assessor outside of the above region. 

Upon receipt of the properly completed JFS 01691, SOFA shall begin the homestudy process and request the applicant provide additional information including but not limited to:

Proof of ten -year residency for applicants;

The applicant shall provide the name of any other agency or organization the applicant has had a homestudy approved as well as a written and signed release of information statement so any such reference may be contacted.

SOFA shall request a check of the child abuse and neglect registry of any other state in which a prospective applicant or other adult who resides with the prospective foster care/ adoptive parent and has prior to the application.

No person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense listed in OAC 5101:2-48-10 (C) shall be considered for placement or be an adult resident of the prospective parent's household unless SOFA finds and documents that person has met all of the following conditions: 

Where the offense was a misdemeanor, or would have been a misdemeanor if conviction had occurred under the current criminal code, at least three years have elapsed from the date the person was fully discharged from any imprisonment or probation arising from the conviction. 

Where the offense was a felony, at least ten years have elapsed since the person was fully discharged from imprisonment or probation. If a person has a felony conviction for spousal abuse, rape, sexual assault, or homicide, the home study shall not be approved. 

The victim of the offense was not one of the following:

A person under the age of eighteen or a person sixty years of age or older.

A functionally impaired person as defined in section 2903.10 of the ORC. 

A developmentally disabled person as defined in section 5123.01 of the ORC.

A person with a mental illness as defined in section 5122.01 of the ORC. 

The prospective parent's approval, or the person's residency in the prospective parent's household, will not jeopardize in any way the health, safety, or welfare of the children SOFA serves. The following factors shall be considered in determining the person's approval as an adoptive/ foster care  parent or the person's residency in the adoptive parent's household:

The person's age at the time of the offense.

The nature and seriousness of the offense.

The circumstances under which the offense was committed.

The degree of participation of the person involved in the offense. 

The time elapsed since the person was fully discharged from imprisonment or      probation.

The likelihood that the circumstances leading to the offense will recur.

Whether the person is a repeat offender. "Repeat offender" means a person who   has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to the commission of any of the offenses listed in paragraph (C) of OAC 5101:2-48-10 two or more times in separate criminal actions. Convictions or guilty pleas resulting from or connected with the same act, or resulting from offenses committed at the same time, shall be counted as one conviction or guilty plea. 

The person's employment record. 

The person's efforts at rehabilitation and the results of those efforts. 

Whether any criminal proceedings are pending against the person. 

Whether the person has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony contained in the Revised Code that is not listed in paragraph (C) of OAC 5101:2-48-10, if the felony bears a direct and substantial relationship to being an adoptive parent or adult member of the adoptive parent's household. 

Any other factors SOFA considers relevant.

In situations including but not limited to substance abuse, anger management, etc. which have come to the Agency’s attention during the homestudy process, SOFA may consider requiring counseling or further rehabilitation in such circumstances and as deemed necessary by the Agency, and may require successful completion by the Applicant and /or any adult member of the prospective parents' household, by a licensed rehabilitation program or counselor prior to proceeding with the homestudy.  Such completion shall be affirmed in writing by a certificate or similar acknowledgment of successful completion.  Refusal to complete such a program may result in denial of the homestudy.

If the assessment cannot be completed, SOFA shall contact the applicant and inform them of the reasons for the delay, and if necessary assist the applicant  in seeking alternatives in finalizing a homestudy.  All those denied shall receive a complete and detailed reason for the denial in writing and a procedure for agency review of the denial.  

The assessor shall complete a written homestudy report on the JFS 01673, "Assessment for Child Placement" and provide written notification to the applicant of approval or denial of homestudy, updates, or amendments pursuant to 5101:2-48 of the Administrative Code. 

The written notification shall be provided within one hundred eighty days of the date the completed application was submitted which initiated a homestudy for any applicant seeking a special needs or non-special needs child.  The written notification will include the date of approval and the date of expiration with a description the date homestudy updates are required.  All homestudies must be updated every two years to remain valid and/or active. 

Homestudies shall be available to the potential adoptive couple upon request.  No homestudies shall be released to another agency or licensed attorney representing the potential  couple except by written permission of the couple.  

SOFA Procedure when an applicant knowingly makes a false statement in the application or the homestudy process.

If SOFA suspects that a false statement or false document, including application JFS 016931, was knowingly made or submitted during the homestudy process or after the homestudy was approved, the assessor or appropriate staff shall report the information to the Director or if not available, the Program Director within three days of the initial determination of possible falsification. The written statement shall include, but is not limited to:

The original document completed by the applicant, or written documentation of the false statement provided by the applicant or parent.

Documentation verifying the information or document is knowingly false.

If there is a child placed in the home who has not yet finalized an adoption, then SOFA or the Placing Agency, shall, within twenty-four hours of the Director or designee receiving the written statement mentioned in paragraph (A), determine if there is probable cause related to the child's safety and well-being to warrant the removal of the child from the home until the investigation is completed.

If applicable, SOFA shall notify the custodial agency within twenty-four hours of Director or designee receiving the written statement mentioned in paragraph (A) of the concerns related to the falsification.

Within ten days of the SOFA Director or designee receiving the written statement described in paragraph (A), SOFA shall send a notification letter to the applicant or approved family, via certified mail, indicating that the information submitted to the agency has been determined to be knowingly false. The notice shall include the following:

Date the notice was mailed.

A copy of the documentation alleged to be knowingly falsified, as well as a written explanation of the falsification.

A statement that SOFA is required to notify the county prosecutor in cases in which it has been determined the applicant or family made knowingly false statements, pursuant to section 2921.13 of the Revised Code.

A statement indicating the homestudy process will discontinue because SOFA has probable cause to believe a false statement or document was knowingly provided.

If the homestudy process has already been completed, then SOFA shall include a statement that includes the following:

SOFA will not present the family at a matching conference, pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-16 of the Administrative Code if it is determined a false statement or document was knowingly provided.

SOFA will not release a homestudy for sharing or transferring, pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-19 of the Administrative Code if it is determined a false statement or document was knowingly provided.

A homestudy will not be filed with the court for finalization purposes pursuant to section 3107.031 of the Revised Code if it is determined a false statement or document was knowingly provided.

A statement that the applicant or e parent has the right to respond to the allegation of falsification.

A statement that the applicant or parent has ten days from the date they receive the notification letter to respond to SOFA with documentation that the allegation is unfounded and that the statements or documents were not knowingly falsified.

If the homestudy is in the process, a statement that if the applicant fails to respond to the agency within ten days of the receipt of the notification letter then the application is considered withdrawn and the refusal to respond to the allegation has resulted in the termination of the homestudy process by voluntary withdrawal.

If the homestudy has been approved, a statement that if the parent fails to respond to the agency within ten days of the receipt of the notification letter then the refusal to respond to the allegation will result in the expiration of the adoption homestudy approval at the end of the current approval span.

If the applicant or parent fails to respond to the agency within ten days of the date of receipt pursuant to paragraph (D), SOFA shall close the adoption homestudy as if the applicant or 

If the applicant or family responds within the ten day timeframe with the documentation required in paragraph (D)(7), then SOFA shall conduct an internal investigation that includes the following:

A review of the information received from the applicant or family.

A face to face visit with the applicant(s) or family.

An interview with any other relevant witnesses, if applicable.

The final investigative report shall be completed and mailed to the applicant no later than thirty days after the receipt of the applicant's or family's response to the allegation.

If unanticipated circumstances require additional time to complete the investigation or issue the report, SOFA shall notify the applicant or family of the need for more time and that an extension of an additional fourteen days is needed.

The extension shall be documented in the family's record.

The investigative report shall include the following:

An explanation of the allegation.

Any background information deemed relevant by SOFA.

The results of the investigation, including whether probable cause was found to indicate the applicant or parent made knowingly false statements.

Any action steps to be taken by the applicant, parent, or the agency as a result of the investigation.

If the final investigative report concludes that the information or documentation was knowingly falsified, SOFA shall do the following:

Forward a copy of the investigative report to the county prosecutor's office where the applicant or parent lives.

If the applicant was still in the homestudy process, SOFA shall close the adoption homestudy as if the applicant has voluntarily withdrawn from the homestudy process.

If the homestudy was approved prior to the investigation of falsification, then the following limitations are in place:

The adoption homestudy shall not be presented at any matching conference, pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-16 of the Administrative Code.

The adoption homestudy shall not be released to another agency for sharing or transferring purposes, pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-19 of the Administrative Code.

The adoption homestudy shall not be filed with the court for finalization purposes pursuant to section 3107.031 of the Revised Code.

The adoption homestudy approval shall expire at the end of the current approval span.

If the final investigative report concludes that there was no falsification made by the applicant, SOFA shall:

Resume the homestudy process if the applicant chooses to proceed.

Complete the homestudy within one hundred eighty days from the date the investigative report was completed.

Any documentation resulting from the requirements of this rule shall be maintained in the record of the applicant or parent.

Home Study Update Process pursuant to OAC 5101:2-48-12.1

SOFA shall ensure that employees or persons under contract with the agency to complete adoption homestudy updates comply with the following requirements.

The assessor definition in rule 5101:2-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

Rule 5101:2-48-06 of the Administrative Code.

Section 3107.014 of the Revised Code.

SOFA shall notify the parent(s) of the date of expiration of the homestudy not fewer than ninety days or more than one hundred fifty days prior to the expiration date. The notification shall:

Identify any information or documentation that is required for the homestudy update.

Be completed on the JFS 01331, "Notice of Expiration and Reapplication for a Foster Home Certificate or Adoption Homestudy Approval".

Following SOFA notification to the parent as required by paragraph (C) of this section, if the parent fails to either reapply or voluntarily terminate prior to the expiration date of the approval, the homestudy approval shall expire. If the family wishes to have a adoption homestudy approval after the expiration date, they shall reapply through the initial homestudy application process pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-09 of the Administrative Code, including reapplying pursuant to the initial SOFA standards with another Statement of Faith and Pastoral process.

Following the expiration of an adoption homestudy approval, SOFA shall enter the appropriate data into the statewide automated child welfare information system (SACWIS) to close the adoption homestudy.

If the parent has applied to update an adoption homestudy prior to the expiration of a current adoption approval, an assessor shall complete a JFS 01385 "Assessment for Child Placement Update", ensure that the parent remains in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 5101:2-48 of the Administrative Code, and determine the continued suitability of the family. SOFA shall compile and review the following documents, in addition to completing the JFS 01385:

The most recent JFS 01653 "Medical Statement for Foster Care/Adoptive Applicant and All Household Members" completed for the applicant and all household members by a licensed physician, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner or certified nurse-midwife. SOFA may require a new JFS 01653 if the agency deems it necessary.

SOFA may require a report of a physical, psychiatric or psychological examination or treatment of the parent(s) or other household member in order to ensure the safety, health or care of a foster/adoptive child. The examination shall be conducted by a licensed physician, psychologist, or other certified or licensed professional.

The most recent fire inspection by a state certified fire safety inspector or the state fire marshal's office using the JFS 01200 "Fire Inspection Report for Residential Facilities Certified by ODJFS" or other form used for a local or state fire inspection. SOFA may require a new fire inspection at the time of the update if the agency deems it necessary to ensure the home is free from conditions which may be hazardous to the safety of an child.

The most recent JFS 01681 "Applicant Financial Statement". SOFA shall require a new JFS 01681 if there have been any substantial changes to the family's financial situation.

The most recent well water test approved by the health department, if applicable. SOFA shall require a new well water test if the agency deems it necessary.

The most recent JFS 01530 "Large Family Assessment", if applicable. If the family circumstances have changed substantially since the previous JFS 01530, or if a JFS 01530 was not previously completed and is now required, SOFA shall complete a new JFS 01530 at the time of the update.

SOFA shall complete an alleged perpetrator search of abuse and neglect report history through SACWIS for each parent and adult household member.

A report with the results of the search shall be placed in the record.

This report is to be used to determine the continued suitability of the family.

SOFA shall conduct a safety audit utilizing the JFS 01348 "Safety Audit" completed within six months prior to the approval of the adoption homestudy update, documenting the residence continues to meet all safety standards.

The most recent criminal records check for the parents and adult household members. Once a homestudy is approved, a new criminal records check shall be conducted, pursuant to section 2151.86 of the Revised Code, for the parent(s) and each adult household member every two years prior to approving the adoption update. If an existing resident of the home, including youth placed in the home, turned eighteen years of age during the current approval span, the agency shall have criminal records checks completed at the time at or immediately after their date of birth, and every two years thereafter at the time of update.  

A minimum of one written reference from a professional who is knowledgeable of the family dynamics and family functioning. If a reference is not available from a professional, a personal reference from someone aware of the family's functioning is permissible. This reference shall not be completed by a relative or a household member. 

An assessor's update of an  homestudy shall include at least one home visit and one interview with each member of the household (except foster children) over the age of four years currently residing in the home. This shall individual interviews.

If SOFA receives a completed JFS 01331 at least forty-five days prior to the expiration date of the approval, SOFA shall follow the requirements listed in this section to complete the assessment for the update of the adoption approval.

At the completion of the assessment and prior to the expiration of the current adoption homestudy approval span:

SOFA shall enter the required data into the SACWIS system documenting one of the following:

Adoption/foster care update approval.

Denial of the adoption update and closure of the adoption homestudy.

The effective date of the adoption homestudy approval shall be the first day following the expiration of the previous approval span.

If SOFA receives a completed JFS 01331 less than  forty-five days prior to the expiration of the approval, SOFA may complete the requirements listed in this rule if they have sufficient time and resources to complete the assessment and submit the requirements in paragraph (G) of this section prior to the expiration date of the current approval span.

If SOFA is unable to complete the update of the approval prior to the expiration, the approval will expire on the date of expiration.

If the approval expires, SOFA shall, within ten days after the expiration date of the current approval span:

Provide written notification to the family of the following:

That the homestudy approval has expired.

That the family must reapply for initial approval pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-12 of the Administrative Code if they would like to obtain homestudy approval  including reapplying pursuant to the initial SOFA standards with another Statement of Faith and Pastoral process.

SOFA shall enter the required data into the SACWIS system to document the provider has closed because the adoption homestudy approval has expired.

The assessor shall provide written notification to the applicant(s) of approval or denial of the update to the  homestudy. The written notification shall be provided to the family within ten days of completion of the approval update.

The homestudy update approval notification shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

Date of approval of the homestudy update with the date the update expires.

A description of the characteristics of the child or children for whom the update is being approved.

The homestudy update denial shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

A detailed explanation of the reasons for the denial.

A description of procedures for an agency review pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-24 of the Administrative Code.

Home study Amendments Process pursuant to OAC 5101:2-48-12.2

An approved child in which SOFA has custody:

A serious injury or illness involving medical treatment of the child.

Unauthorized absence of the child from the home.

Removal of the child from the home by any person or agency other than placing agency, or attempts at such removal.

Any involvement of the child with law enforcement authorities.

The death of child in SOFA custody.

An approved parent shall notify the recommending agency within twenty-four hours or the next working day if any of the following occur:

A change in the marital status of an approved parent(s).

Any serious illness or death of an approved parent or household member.

The finalization of child placed by a different agency.

A change in the number of household members, not including foster children.

A criminal charge or conviction of any approved parent or other adult household member(s).

A significant change in financial status or income.

A change of address for the family that is different than the address listed on the most recent homestudy or update.

The applicant(s) or approved parent(s) shall notify the agency in writing if a person residing in the home who is twelve years old, but under eighteen years old, has been convicted or pleaded guilty to any offense listed in appendix A to rule 5101:2-48-10 of the Administrative Code or has been adjudicated to be a delinquent child for committing an act that if committed by an adult, would constitute one of those offenses.   The report of any criminal records check conducted in accordance with section 2151.86 of the Revised Code. Except as provided in paragraph (D) of rule 5101:2-48-10 of the Administrative Code, an agency shall not  approve an adoption homestudy if the applicant or any adult member of the household has been convicted of any crime listed in  appendix A to rule 5101:2-7-02 of the Administrative Code.

If the agency is notified of any of the included but not limited to the as determined by the Agency from time to time, or as amended by the State of Ohio, the following changes for the family, SOFA shall amend the homestudy:

A change in the marital status of the approved parent(s).

The death of an approved parent or household member.

A change in household members, not including foster children.

A change of address for the family that is different than the address listed on the most recent homestudy or update.

A significant change in household income.

Major structural change to the applicant(s) dwelling.

SOFA shall ensure that employees or persons under contract with SOFA to perform assessor duties comply with the following requirements.

The assessor definition in rule 5101:2-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

Rule 5101:2-48-06 of the Administrative Code.

Section 3107.014 of the Revised Code.

An amendment is a narrative of the assessor's evaluation of the change that has occurred in the approved family. SOFA shall document the date of notification in the amendment.

The amendment shall be completed within thirty days of the date of the change, or within thirty days of the date SOFA became aware a change occurred if notification did not occur pursuant to paragraphs (A) or (B) of this section.

If the change is to add a parent to the homestudy, the amendment shall not be completed until the preservice training has been completed or waived pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-09 of the Administrative Code.

In completing the amendment, SOFA shall, if necessary, redetermine the specific number, age, and gender of children the family is approved to foster/adopt. The amendment shall address sleeping arrangements, beds and bedrooms, and shall evaluate whether the family remains in compliance with all applicable requirements.

The amendment shall be completed in the statewide automated child welfare information system (SACWIS).

If the amendment is due to a new household member, SOFA shall ensure the following:

New household members residing with the parent shall have a JFS 01653 "Medical Statement for Foster Care/Adoptive Applicant and All Household Members" completed documenting they are free from any physical, emotional, or mental condition which would endanger children or seriously impair the ability of the household member to care for the child placed in the home.

If the new occupant is a  child who immediately prior to the adoption resided in the home as a foster child, a JFS 01653 is not required.

The JFS 01653 shall be dated within ninety days of the date the person becomes a household member.

If SOFA is not notified of the new household member pursuant to paragraph (B) of this section, SOFA shall ensure the new household member completes the JFS 01653 within ninety days of the date SOFA became aware of the new household member.

New adult household members residing with the approved parent shall have a bureau of criminal investigation records check (BCI), a National Sex Offender registry check,  and federal bureau of investigation (FBI) records check, as outlined in rule 5101:2-48-10 of the Administrative Code.

The criminal records checks shall be conducted within ten working days of the date the person becomes a household member.

If SOFA is not notified of the new household member pursuant to paragraph (B) of this section, the criminal record checks shall be conducted within ten working days of the date SOFA became aware of the new household member.

New adult household members shall provide the name of any agency they have applied to or had a homestudy approved for foster care or adoption, or any organization they have worked with in providing care and supervision of children. The new adult household member shall complete a written and signed release of information so that any such reference may be contacted.

SOFA shall complete an alleged perpetrator search of abuse and neglect report history through SACWIS for the new adult household member within ten working days of the date the person becomes a household member. If SOFA was not notified of the new household member pursuant to paragraph (B) of this section, SOFA shall ensure the search is conducted within ten working days of the date SOFA became aware of the new household member.

A report with the results of the search shall be placed in the  record.

This report is used to determine the continued suitability of the family.

SOFA shall request a check of the child abuse and neglect registry of any other state the new adult household member has resided in for the five years immediately prior to the date of the criminal records check for the new household member, as required by division (A) of section 2151.86 of the Revised Code.

If the new household member is the spouse of the approved parent and shall therefore be added as an approved parent, SOFA shall ensure the following is completed in addition to the requirements found in paragraph (F) of this section:

SOFA shall contact all adult children of the new spouse for a reference. If the adult children are unable or unwilling to provide a reference this shall be assessed during the amendment process and documented in the amendment.

If the new spouse has not previously completed the preservice training, the agency shall ensure the spouse completes the training or meets the requirements for a waiver pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-09 of the Administrative Code no later than one hundred eighty days after becoming a household member. The spouse shall not be added to the approval until the training or waiver has been completed.

If the amendment is due to a change of address of the  family, the agency shall ensure the following:

The agency shall conduct a safety audit documenting the new residence satisfactorily meets all safety standards.

The safety audit shall be completed on the JFS 01348 "Safety Audit".

The safety audit shall be conducted within thirty working days of the change of address.

If SOFA was not notified of the change of address pursuant to paragraph (B) of this section, SOFA shall conduct the safety audit within thirty working days of the date they became aware of the change of address.

SOFA shall require the approved parent to obtain a fire safety inspection certifying the new residence is free from conditions hazardous to the safety of a child.

The fire safety inspection shall be completed on the JFS 01200 "Fire Inspection Report for Residential Facilities Certified by ODJFS" or other form used for a local or state fire inspection.

The fire safety inspection shall be requested prior to or within thirty days of the date of the change of address. If SOFA was not notified of the change of address pursuant to paragraph (B) of this section, then the fire safety inspection shall be requested within thirty days of the date SOFA became aware of the change of address.

The fire safety inspection shall be conducted prior to or within ninety days of the date of the change of address. If SOFA was not notified of the change of address pursuant to paragraph (B) of this section, then the fire safety inspection shall be conducted within ninety days of the date SOFA became aware of the change of address.

The assessor shall provide written notification to the parent of approval or denial of the amendment to the homestudy. The written notification shall be provided to the family within ten days of completion of the homestudy amendment. If an amendment is denied, the homestudy is no longer approved.

Amendment approval notification shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

A summary of the change requiring the amendment.

The date of the notification provided pursuant to paragraph (B) of this section.

The date the change occurred that required the amendment.

Date of approval of the amendment.

Notification of an amendment denial shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

A detailed explanation of the reasons for the denial.

A description of procedures for an agency review pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-24 of the Administrative Code.

Transfer of Homestudies

"Sharing an homestudy" means forwarding an approved homestudy to a public children services agency (PCSA), private child placing agency (PCPA), or comparable agency in another state for consideration of potential placement, or receiving an approved homestudy from a PCSA, PCPA, private non-custodial agency (PNA) or comparable agency in another state for the same purpose.

"Transferring to another agency. Upon acceptance of the receiving agency and the execution of the JFS 01334 "Recommendation for Transfer of a Foster or Adoptive Home" the sending agency is relieved of all responsibilities related to the approved family.

SOFA shall not solicit homestudies or transfers from other agencies for the purpose of locating a family of a specific race, color or national origin.

SOFA shall only consider approved homestudies forwarded by another agency. A copy of the homestudy shall not be accepted directly from the approved parent or other individual. A parent may provide other information to the receiving agency that the parent considers to be relevant. SOFA shall not require any additional documentation for the homestudy beyond the requirements of Chapter 5101:2-48 of the Administrative Code.

If the approved family has signed a release of information the agency shall make the homestudy available to any other agency requesting a copy of the homestudy for sharing or transferring.

SOFA shall not release or accept a homestudy for sharing or transferring purposes if it has been determined that the homestudy or a supporting document contains a false statement knowingly made by the parent. SOFA shall follow the procedures outlined in rule 5101:2-33-13 of the Administrative Code when the determination has been made that a document was falsified.

SOFA may charge a reasonable fee for the release of the homestudy and related materials. 

SOFA shall forward a copy of the homestudy and all related materials within fifteen working days of the receipt of the signed release of information and any applicable fee pursuant to paragraph (D) of this section.  If the request is to transfer the homestudy, then the most recent report of the alleged perpetrator search of child abuse and neglect information from the statewide automated child welfare information system (SACWIS) shall also be forwarded to the receiving agency with the homestudy and related materials.

If SOFA is in receipt of the homestudy determines that the homestudy or a supporting document contains a knowingly false statement, the agency in receipt of the homestudy shall not consider the homestudy in any matching conference or for consideration of a transfer and shall notify the sending agency in writing of the false statement within three days of the determination of the false statement.

If an incomplete homestudy is received from an agency, or supporting documentation is missing from the record, the receiving agency shall notify the sending agency in writing within ten days from the date of receipt of the incomplete homestudy.

The written notification shall indicate the information needed in order for the homestudy to be considered complete as required by Chapter 5101:2-48 of the Administrative Code.

The sending agency shall respond within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the written notification from the receiving agency.

Upon receipt of the record, the SOFA shall assign an assessor to review the information received and conduct an assessment of the transfer request.

In addition to reviewing the recommending agency's records and any information provided by the parent(s), the assessor shall:

Contact staff from the current recommending agency and the parent(s) to determine the reasons why the request to transfer is being made at this time.

Make at least one visit to the home and conduct a face-to-face meeting with each parent and all other household members.

Receive four  new personal references for the parent(s) from persons who are unrelated to the adoptive parent and do not live with the family and one new personal reference for the parent(s), from a family member who does not currently reside in the parent(s) home.  If no such family member is available, then the fourth reference shall be from an unrelated person and the reason the unavailability of a  family member relative shall be noted in the file.

Receive new references from all adult children of the parent(s). If the adult children are unable or unwilling to provide a reference this shall be assessed during the transfer process and documented in the provider record.

Conduct a new criminal records check for all persons subject to a criminal e reason(s) in the record.records check residing in the home. Results shall be obtained, reviewed and approved prior to accepting the transfer request.

Complete a new safety audit of the adoptive home on the JFS 01348 "Safety Audit" (rev. 12/2014) to ensure the home meets all current safety requirements.

If a transfer request is pending within ninety days immediately prior to the expiration date of the two year approval span, the current agency and the receiving agency may determine through mutual agreement which agency will conduct the update of the homestudy.

The assessor shall complete the transfer assessment within sixty days of the date the complete record was received from the current agency. If the transfer cannot be completed in this timeframe, the assessor shall document th

Upon completion of the assessment, the assessor shall make a final decision regarding the transfer and document that decision. Written notice of the decision shall be given to the parent and the recommending agency within ten working days of the date the decision was made. The approval or rejection of a transfer request rests solely with the receiving agency. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to require an agency to accept the transfer of an homestudy from another agency.

If the decision is to deny the transfer request, all information contained in the copy of the record from the current recommending agency as well as any information gathered during the transfer assessment, including the written notice to deny the request, shall be maintained by the agency for at least two years.

If the decision is to approve the transfer request, the JFS 01334 shall be completed and signed by both the sending and receiving agencies, and all information gathered during the assessment process shall be incorporated into the receiving agency's provider record.

The sending agency shall enter the applicable data into the system to complete the transfer to the receiving agency.

Homestudies received from other agencies shall be regularly considered for potential adoption matches pursuant to rule 5101:2-48-16 of the Administrative Code, and shall be maintained for two years after completion of the matching process and no further activity has occurred with the Homestudy.

Matching Process

A pre-adoptive staffing will be held for each infant being placed to identify families which are eligible to be matched with the infant based on the infant’s needs.  Information in the applicant’s JFS 01673-A will be used in determining which applicants would meet the needs and characteristics of the child in question.

Families identified in the pre-adoptive staffing will be presented to the biological mother, and biological mother preference will be given top priority in the matching conference.

SOFA cannot use race, color or national origin as the basis for denying or delaying presentation of a family.  SOFA can also not use the family’s geographical location as the basis for denying or delaying a child’s adoptive placement.

The matching conference shall take place after the after the biological parent has been requested to be matched.  Participants will include as available the Director, Program Director, and the Adoption Support Specialist.  Family assessors, and the clinical coordinator may participate as well.  Any person who is unable to participate in the conference will have the opportunity to comment via email or phone call.

The specific needs of the child will be reviewed and compared to the family’s characteristics and the ability of the family to meet the needs and the best interests of the child.

SOFA shall document the decisions of the matching conference on form JFS-01689, indicating the families that were considered, and how they are able to meet the needs of the child.  The documentation will clearly indicate why the matched family was chosen and why the family was determined as best able to meet the child’s needs.

If there are more than five families who are potential matches for the child, SOFA may narrow the number of families to a maximum of five based on the level of experience the family has in working with children with specific behavior, medical or mental 2-48-10 challenges that a specific child might present, and the preference for keeping siblings together if it is in the children’s best interest. 

If there are no families available to be considered at a matching conference for a specified child, and the JFS 01654 “Adoptive Placement Agreement” has not been signed the agency shall conduct child-specific recruitment for the child prior to the next matching conference.  Child specific recruitment shall include at least two of the three activities below:

The agency distribution of written information regarding the child to two or more adoption agencies, media outlets, or social media sites used to recruit adoptive families for the child.

The agency reviews the case file for relatives or individuals in the child’s past who may be able and willing to provide a permanent home for the child.

The agency conducts an exploration with the child of individuals with whom the child is familiar who may be able and willing to provide a permanent home for the child.

In circumstances where the biological mother has not selected an adoptive couple to parent her child, the following standards shall be applied to the matching process:

For a child federally recognized as a member of a tribe or Alaskan native village, the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, 25 U. S. C. 1901 (11/1987) (ICWA) shall take precedence in any adoption proceedings.

Whenever possible, and in the best interest of the child(ren), sibling groups should not be separated.

Any adult, or the child’s current foster caregiver, when the following apply:

The adult has expressed an interest in adopting the child and already has an approved adoptive homestudy, or has submitted the required document listed below at least five business days prior to the scheduled matching conference:

The JFS 01691 “Application for Child Placement”

The JFS 01692 “Application for Adoption of a Foster Child or Sibling Group”

The adoption application or equivalent document that is required in the state the adult resides in

Placement with the adult would establish permanency for the child and be in the best interest of the child.

A foster caregiver with whom the child has resided in the past, whose placement would be in the best interest of the child and who is approved for adoption pursuant to Chapter 5101:2-48 of the Administrative Code or the laws of the state where the previous foster caregiver now resides.

Any other approved adoptive parent(s) who is accepting of the child’s characteristics who has expressed an interest in adopting the child, and whose placement would be in the best interest of the child.

When a pending adoption match with an applicant shall occur, SOFA shall notify in writing the PCSA in the county in which the applicant resides.  This requirement does not apply in the event of a step parent adoption, or if the PCSA contracted with SOFA to provide the homestudy.  This notification shall be provided no later than ten days prior to the placement or prior to the birth of a child, and shall include:

The prospective child’s age

A description of the child’s special needs

The name of the adoptive parents

The number of children that will reside in the adoptive couple’s home.

When a private pending adoption match shall occur, and SOFA has only been assigned by an Ohio Probate Court to provide an independent Laws and Materials assessment, or requested by a private attorney to do the same prior to assignment by the Court, SOFA will not take temporary custody of the child.   Only in limited exceptions will this policy be waived if it is determined to be in the best interest of the child and the Court/or State Agency request that SOFA take temporary custody.

Pre- and post finalization Services

A.   A face-to face home visit shall be made by the assessor who is responsible for the child’s case no later than seven days following placement. 

In the event that the assigned assessor is not available, another assessor employed or contracted by SOFA will be designated to conduct the visit in the absence of the assigned assessor.

B.  A second face-to-face visit with the child and adoptive parent(s) in the adoptive home will take place  during the first 30 days of placement, not including the seven day visit, and all persons residing in the home shall be present. 

 C. The assessor shall continue to make face-to-face post placement visits in the adoptive parent(s) home with the adoptive parents and the child throughout the finalization period. 

 D. If the assessor is not assigned as the primary caseworker, the assessor shall visit at least every other month. 

 E. If the adoptive couple should move to another location in Ohio after placement that is not within SOFA’s service region, the couple  may be charged extra pursuant to the fee schedule, including but not limited to any necessary lodging, gas costs, food, and other costs that were incurred as a result of the extra travel.

F. Post placement visits shall continue to be held by the assessor in the home monthly, and the last visit shall be within 30 days of finalization . 

G. The assessor shall gather and document at a minimum information to determine how the placement is progressing form the perspective of the adoptive parent(s), child (as appropriate based on the ability to communicate), or other household member(s) and all such visits shall be documented in the child’s case file.  Documentation by the assessor shall include information relevant to the ODJFS form 01699.    

H.  For a child who is placed through the "Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children" into an approved adoptive home outside of Ohio, SOFA shall request an out-of-state children services agency (CSA) to conduct visits with the adoptive family in the home as identified in this rule and to submit written supervisory reports on a monthly basis.  

I.  If an adoptive child is place in an approved adoptive parent(s) home and the adoptive parent(s) or other household member(s) knowingly made false statements that results in the assessor reassessment of an approved or updated homestudy, the adoptive parent(s) or household member(s) may be charged with the offense of falsification under ORC 2921.13. The assessor shall report incidents of falsification according to the procedures pursuant to OAC 5101:2-33-13.   

J.   Pre-finalization services provided by SOFA, which occur from the date of placement, are limited to case management, general counseling, as well as general facilitation services.  For those pre-finalization services such as crisis services, diagnostic, and therapeutic services and post-finalization services which may be requested by the adoptive couples from time to time, then SOFA shall assist the couple in obtaining those services from community resources and services from community service providers as such services mentioned above are not provided by SOFA.

 K.  The assessor shall complete the JFS 01699 "Prefinalization Adoption Assessment Report" prior to the issuance of a final decree of adoption.

  L.  If recommended by the treating pediatric physician, and said physician recommends vaccination pursuant to standardized norms of the American Medical Community, then SOFA will require that all such vaccinations occur during the time said child is in SOFA’s custody.  

Agency Review Procedures

All persons (i.e. applicants, prospective adoptive families and approved families) who wish to submit complaints concerning SOFA operations pursuant to OAC 5101:2-48, SOFA employees, and SOFA policies, may submit a written complaint to SOFA’s Director detailing any such within 30 days of the event occurring.  

SOFA shall review these complaints within thirty days of receipt of a request for an agency review.  The review shall include a face-to-face meeting with the following individuals: 

The applicant, prospective family or adoptive family requesting an agency review.

The family caseworker.

The child's caseworker, if applicable.

The agency administrator or designee

Any other individual with information regarding the complaint, as deemed appropriate by the agency administrator or designee.

SOFA shall submit a written decision, including the reason for the decision, rendered by the Director or his/her designee. 

The decision shall be based upon the evidence presented at the review. 

A copy of the decision shall be provided to all parties to the agency review within fifteen days of the review. All documentation related to notification regarding rights to an agency review and written decisions of the agency review required by this rule shall be maintained in the child and family case record. 

Any employee or contractor who is charged with discriminatory acts, policies or practices involving race, color or national origin in the adoption process as determined by ODJFS will be suspended with pay (excepting the contractor) until an investigation can be conducted in accordance with rule 5101:2-33-03 of the Administrative Code.  Such complaints of discriminatory acts shall supersede the above paragraphs

For complaints involving alleged discriminatory acts, policies, or practices pertaining to the foster care and adoption process that involve race, color or national origin, the procedures contained in SOFA’s MEPA complaint procedure shall apply.


A copy of Form JFS 01985 “Adoption Subsidies Guide” shall be presented to all SOFA applicants which describes state and federal adoption assistance, including:

Eligibility requirements of each program.

Application requirements of each program. 

Availability of and process for requesting mediation, as described in rule 5101:2-49-05 of the Administrative Code. 

Availability of and process for requesting a state hearing, as described in section 5101.35 of the Revised Code and in accordance with division 5101:6 of the Administrative Code.

Any alternative review process utilized by the PCSA for determining post adoption special services subsidies, in accordance with rule 5101:2-44-13 of the Administrative Code.

Any other PCSA, PCPA or PNA in Ohio

  1. If the complaint alleging discrimination involving RCNO in the foster care or adoption process and is filed with SOFA’s Director or with any other PCSA, PCPA, or PNA, the Director or other public or private agency must forward the complaint within 3 working days of receipt of the complaint to the Bureau of Civil Rights of ODJFS for investigation.
  2. ODJFS must complete the investigation within 90 days of receipt of the complaint, unless unusual circumstances prevent it from completing the investigation within that timeframe.
  3. If SOFA is the subject of the complaint, SOFA shall not initiate, conduct, or run concurrent investigations surrounding the complaint or take any further action regarding the complainant or the subject of the complaint until the issuance of the final investigation report by ODJFS, unless approved by ODJFS.
  4. SOFA shall cooperate fully with ODJFS during the course of the investigation if SOFA is the subject of the complaint. SOFA shall submit any information requested the by ODJFS not later than fourteen days from the date of the request, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  5. No person who has filed a complaint alleging a discriminatory act, policy or practice involving RCNO in the adoption process of SOFA, or an employee or former employee, due to the individual making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in the investigation of a complaint shall be intimidated, threatened, coerced, or retaliated against by any employee or contractor of SOFA.
  6. SOFA shall provide a written notice of the procedures for any complaints of discrimination in the adoption or foster care process that involve RCNO within thirty days of the effective date to all individuals who have approved adoptive or foster care homestudies or who are participating in the adoptive homestudy process on the effective date of this rule.
  7. ODJFS will provide a copy of the investigation report to the complainant and to the agency that is the subject of the complaint.
  8. No provision of this policy shall prohibit an individual from filing a complaint with the United States department of health and human services (HHS) office for civil rights (OCR) alleging discrimination that involves RCNO in the foster care or adoption process of SOFA or ODJFS.