So Blessed to Know Our Daughter's Birth Family!

Taylor and Caitlin's family

We're Taylor and Caitlin. Our journey with Spirit Of Faith Adoptions has most certainly been a beautiful experience!  From the beginning (all the fun paperwork) to where we are today (placed with our beautiful baby girl, Clare) and for everything in between, SOFA has provided so much support and guidance. They have been responsive when we have questions, and ever present with us and our baby’s birth mother in prayer.  

Our Friends Recommended SOFA to us

We began our adoption journey with our county’s foster to adopt system. When we discerned that was not the route we were meant to pursue we began to explore different options. We were introduced to SOFA through several friend couples, one of whom had already adopted through SOFA and another who were just beginning their journey with SOFA. 

SOFA's Staff has personally experienced adoption

As we began the inquiry process, we were most impressed by how loving, respectful, and understanding they were to both the birth mothers and adoptive couples who they work with.  Since so many of the employees at SOFA have personal experience with adoption, their knowledge of the process and testimonies were invaluable to us.  Their love, respect, and knowledge was reaffirmed after we were matched with a truly beautiful birth mother who we were blessed to build a good relationship with as we awaited Clare’s birth. 

So Much Care and Support for All!

Our ability to build this relationship was facilitated by SOFA’s guidance, rooted in their love and support of women going through a difficult time and always seeing them as God’s precious daughters.  As an adoptive couple, we also greatly appreciated their support and understanding as we eagerly, and at times anxiously, awaited a placement.

She will always know her Birth Mom is an amazing woman!

One powerful reminder of dignity that SOFA gives to everyone in the process was the reminder that this child would be simultaneously “Our” baby and the “Birth mother’s” baby upon completion of the adoption.  In other words, while we are blessed by the opportunity to raise Clare we will always remember the amazing woman who gave her life and will also make sure Clare is also aware of that great gift from her strong birth mother. 

We are building a lifelong relationship

This reminder helped to guide us in building a relationship with Clare’s birth mother and to be forever grateful for the great gift she has given us.  While we know everyone’s adoption story will look different, we also know that SOFA consistently helps the birth families and adoptive families to participate well in whatever God’s plan is for their journey.

We are forever grateful to them as our teammates in the journey and continue to pray for all who are blessed to work with them!