The Wurster's 1st Adoption Story

The Wurster Family

November 21, 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of one of the most important days of our lives. We stood in a courtroom in Arkhangelsk, Russia and were given the honor to become the parents of Ruslan Sukharvev Andreyevich, now Peter Ruslan Wurster.

It was the beginning of friendships that would carry us to a ministry that still exists. It was the beginning of a new family that would grow to include two more sons and a nephew from places we had not known before, and it was the beginning of our commitment to adoption and the belief that every child is worthy of life and love.

Parents with adopted child in Russia

We could not foresee everything that would happen over the twenty years since that day. There have been joys and sorrows. Some who shared that special time in our lives have gone on to Glory, but, praise God, His blessings have overflown.


It is fitting that this anniversary (as well as Peter's adoption) occurred at Thanksgiving time for we are eternally grateful for the gift of our son who means more to us than words can express, and the many riches his addition to our lives has brought.