Families To Consider

Jordon and Rhi

Thank you for putting the child first and that we understand how selfless of an act the mom (and dad) are doing by placing the child for adoption …

Michael and Christina

Hello, we are Mike and Christina, We want you to know that we see the incredible strength it takes to walk the path of adoption. It’s a journey …

Travis and Leslie

Dear parent(s) of our future baby. We want so much to share the life of our (meaning yours and ours) baby with you as we raise him or her. Your …

Pete and Tiff

From Pete: There’s no way I can ever truly understand what you’re going through right now.  There must be so many feelings swirling through your head …

Calvin and Janell

We prayed before deciding to start this process and believe that God has created this path for us. He has been with us every step of the way guiding …


Adoption is such a beautiful reminder of God's great love for us - the idea of being called to share in the hard, beautiful reality of foster care …

Galen and Carly

To the parents who are making one of the most difficult choices of your life, we are praying for you. We are praying that the peace of God surrounds …

Shane and Heidi

Dear Expectant Mother, Our hearts go out to you as you bravely walk this difficult journey. We want to walk alongside of you and pray for peace and …

Adam and Megan

We are so excited and feel honored at the possibility of getting to know you. We would love to know you and your story. We would love to hear stories …

Taylor and Caitlin

It is most important to us for you to know that we love you.  Even though we have never met you, we already know something deeply true about you. We …

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